This page contains most main variations of Chica. However, If you are looking for Chica’s toy variant, look here
Nội Dung Chính
Phantom Chica the Chicken
Eye Color
Additional Information
Five Nights at Freddy’s 3
Phantom Chica is a phantom animatronic in the game Five Nights at Freddy’s 3. She appears on an arcade screen in CAM 07, it will be a close-up shot of her face as it is grey-scaled. After the player puts the monitor down and turns to the left, Phantom Chica will jumpscare them.
Phantom Chica has a burnt appearance and is covered in burn marks, possibly foreshadowing the burning of attraction. Her yellow skin has been charred and turned a dark mix of green, yellow, and black. Phantom Chica’s animatronic teeth are not as big as they are on Chica in the second game. Phantom Chica also has pinpricked irises just like every other Phantom Animatronics. Phantom Chica seems to be either lacking her right arm or it is stuck behind her back. She seems to have a better resemblance to her first game character than her Toy or Withered forms, Phantom Chica Seems lost her Bib.
Movement Pattern
Phantom Chica lacks a movement pattern as at random intervals will appear in the arcade machine as a close up of her face in a grey-scale format. She will get more aggressive and appears more often as the night’s progress.
Phantom Chica’s jumpscare seems to be very different from her jumpscare from the first and second game, unlike everyone else. She appears on the left side of the office and swerves her body towards the player with her mouth open. She has a normal Fnaf 3 scream.
- Phantom Chica is the only animatronic in the game to be based on a Five Nights at Freddy’s 1 model
- Phantom Chica appears on only one spot on only one of the cameras.
- Phantom Chica is one of two Phantom Animatronics who will jumpscare you if you look at them too long when looking at them on the monitor.
- Phantom Chica has a possibility of appearing on a camera with Phantom Puppet or Phantom Mangle and then the two attacking at once.
- If you look closely, Phantom Chica still has her endoskeleton teeth and her bib from the first game.
- Despite not featuring as a character in Ultimate Custom Night, in the FNaF 3 themed office, the arcade with Phantom Chica’s face is included.
- Phantom Chica’s right shoulder clips through her body during her jumpscare.
- Her left forearm seems to be glitching a little during the jumpscare
- In the first frame of Phantom Chica’s jumpscare and in the Extra menu, her left shoulder appears to clip through her arm, much like Freddy Fazbear from the second game.
In a Five Nights at Freddy’s 3 teaser with Phantom
No light…
Some light.
Full light.
Nightmare Chica
Nightmare Chica
Nightmare Chica the Chicken
First Appearance
Five Nights at Freddy’s 4
Eye Color
Additional Information
Game Appearance(s)
Five Nights at Freddy’s 4, Ultimate Custom Night
Primary Grouping
Nightmare Chica is an animatronic in the game Five Nights at Freddy’s 4. She is the nightmarish incarnation of Chica.
Nightmare Chica looks like Chica, just heavily damaged, deteriorated, and broken-down. Nightmare Chica, just like Chica, is still a yellowish chicken, although the yellow hue seems to be rather washed out. She has two sets of very long, sharp teeth. The bib she wears that says “LET’S EAT!” remains, albeit in poor condition.
Nightmare Chica suffers from very heavy damage. Her torso and knees have huge tears in them, exposing her endoskeleton. The material around her fingers and her eyes have withered away, also showing the endoskeleton. There is a tear on her head, and wires are sticking out nearby. One of her eyes seems to be not working as it does not illuminate any color.
Five Nights at Freddy’s 4
Nightmare Chica will show up from the at the end of the Right Hall to hide when the flashlight is shined on her. If not, her breathing will be heard in which the player has to close the Door. If the player did not close the door and flash the flashlight, it results in a Game Over.
Nightmare Chica’s jumpscare sound.
Ultimate Custom Night
Nightmare Chica does not appear on the normal character roster, and instead can randomly be spawned by Dee Dee.
When she is activated, Nightmare Chica’s jaws will slowly slide in from the top and bottom of the office. Using the Power A/C will push back the jaws; otherwise, the mouth will close and Nightmare Chica will jumpscare the player.
Nightmare Chica’s teaser
Nightmare Chica’s teaser (brightened)
Five Nights at Freddy’s 4 map (Chica’s route is in green)
Five Nights at Freddy’s 4
Nightmare Chica retreating into the halls
Nightmare Chica retreating into the halls (brightened)
Nightmare Chica’s jumpscare
Nightmare Cupcake’s jumpscare
FNaF world
Nightmare Chica in FNaF world
Nightmare Chica attacking
Ultimate Custom Night
Nightmare Chica’s jaws
Nightmare Chica’s jumpscare
Nightmare Chica’s mugshot on
Liberty Chica
Statue of Liberty Chica the Chicken
Statue of Liberty Chica
Liberty Chica
Special event Animatronic
Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza
Eye Color
Animatronic Chicken
Additional Information
Five Nights at Freddy’s AR: Special Delivery
Liberty Chica is a skin in Five Nights at Freddy’s: Special Delivery. As she is a skin, her mechanics and animations are identical to Chica. As she was an event, she can no longer be found roaming naturally.
Liberty Chica is a green variation of Chica. Her entire design appears based on the Statue of Liberty, with a green dress and some spots giving way to orange. Her cupcake appears to resemble a torch, being covered entirely in fire.
- Liberty Chica is the second animatronic with a specified American theme
- Her cupcake appears to have a contained fire, potentially even fake fire.
Scorching Chica
Scorching Chica
Scorched Chica
Kentucky Fried Chica
Special event Animatronic
Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza
Eye Color
Animatronic Chicken
Additional Information
Five Nights at Freddy’s AR: Special Delivery
Scorching Chica is a skin in Five Nights at Freddy’s: Special Delivery. As she is a skin, her mechanics and animations are identical to Chica. As she was an event, she can no longer be found roaming naturally.
Scorching Chica appears to be a burnt variation of Chica. While her base design appears to be based on obsidian, Lava peeks through various cracks. Her Cupcake, Carl, is missing it’s eyes and appears burnt.
- Scorching Carl has his head detached from his body, appearing to confirm that the frosting lifts up like a jaw.
“When the fear takes hold, and reality fails. The stage is set, and insanity prevails.”
This article contains new or upcoming content, and therefore may be incorrect and will change from time to time.
Glamrock Chica
Glamrock Chica
Robotic Entertainer
Security robot
Skin/Fur Color
Eye Color
Animatronic Chicken
Roxanne WolfGlamrock Freddy (formerly), Montgomery Gator
Additional Information
Game Appearance(s)
Fury’s Rage, Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach
Voice Actor
Heather Masters
Primary Grouping
Glamrock Chica is the Glamrock version of the original Chica the Chicken, as well as the guitarist of Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizza Plex.
Glamrock Chica is a white and pink Chicken, similar to Funtime Chica. On both ears, she has green earrings. In her hair, she has a pink bow, while around her right eye and left cheek she has pink makeup. On her shoulders are pink shoulder pads, while she’s also wearing the same spiked bracelets as Glamrock Freddy on each arm. Her hands appear to have green, fingerless gloves, similar to Funtime Foxy.
She appears to have a pink one-piece swimsuit on her torso, alongside leg warmers like the rest of the Glamrocks. Unlike the rest, Glamrock Chica’s leg warmers are different colors and styles; The one on her left leg is pink, while the other is green.
While Shattered, Chica is in far worse condition. She is entirely missing her beak, which was taken by Gregory. Her suit is cracked, with several patches of missing plastic scattered across it. One of her eyes is now incorrectly positioned, resulting in it looking off to her right
Gameplay mechanics
Glamrock Chica roams around the Pizzaplex along with the other animatronics. She is the first hostile animatronic to appear and seems to be the most common one called over when a Staff Bot catches you. She later appears in a tutorial teaching about how the animatronics are attracted to sounds and how they can be utilized to lure them away from exits. Glamrock Chica can be found eating trash with pizza in it, because her programming suggests that she should be constantly eating pizza, even if it’s unsanitary or dirty.
Glamrock Chica has a particularly infuriating area dedicated to her called Mazercise. It inspires kids to eat fast food and to “work off the calories while you eat”. She’s also the only animatronic chasing you through the Fazer Blast area.
Her boss fight is very standard, simply activate a generator and put pizza-flavored Monty Mystery Mix in the trash compactor. A cutscene plays where Chica is crushed and pulls Gregory into the Trash Compactor, falling through the trash and into the sewers.
Down in the sewers, the player can take the beak and voice box off of the seemingly deactivated Glamrock Chica. From this point on, Chica will no longer be able to speak, and instead have glitched static.
To be added.
Chica on stage
Neutral Chica
- She was the only main Glamrock absent from the leaked Security Breach Calendar.
- She is also the only Glamrock to be based directly on a design from a previous game, being based on Toy Chica
- Glamrock Chica is the only animatronic who can be stunned in both her regular and shattered variants, barring glitches.
- Montgomery Gator is immune to stunning in his regular variant, while Roxanne Wolf is immune in her shattered variant. Shattered Freddy is not present when the player has control, and thus cannot be stunned either.
- Glamrock Chica was given a surprising amount of attention during the teaser phase for the game.
- In fact, Glamrock Chica was the first animatronic seen for the first DLC, Ruin.
- Glamrock Chica is the first animatronic seen eating in any of the games.
- Chica constantly eating may be a reference to the common headcanon for most of the other Chica variants, with them constantly eating pizza every chance they get.
- When Shattered, Chica’s head can do a complete 360 around her neck.
Little Red Chica
Little Red Chica the Chicken
Little Red Chica
Little Red Chica skin
Little Red Chica the Chicken
Little Red Chica the Chicken skin
Red Riding Hood Chica
Red Riding Hood Chica Skin
Red Riding Chica
Red Riding Chica skin
Red Riding Hood Chica the Chicken
Red Riding Hood Chica the Chicken skin
Special event Animatronic
Eye Color
Animatronic Chicken
Primary Color
Secondary Color
Shirt type
Shirt color
Bottom clothing type
Bottom clothing color
Back: Torn red cape
Head: Red hood
Additional Information
Five Nights at Freddy’s AR: Special Delivery
Primary Grouping
Little Red Chica is a skin in Five Nights at Freddy’s AR: Special Delivery, introduced in the Scary Tales event on April 19th, 2021. As she is a skin, she shares her mechanic with Chica.
To be added
To be added
- Little Red Chica has the furthest delay of any skin.
- Her reveal image ingame was revealed on April 15th, 2021. Instead, she aired on April 19th, four days later.
- Her reveal image ingame was revealed on April 15th, 2021. Instead, she aired on April 19th, four days later.