Captain America: The First Avenger

Apr 28, 2016

I had a good time with Captain America: The First Avenger. It was a really good movie that I honestly appreciated more when I watched it again. Let me explain what I liked/disliked.

1. Characters; Chris Evans knocked it out of the park as Steve Rogers/Captain America. The effects work for Steve Rogers’ skinny look was pretty impressive, it is kind of noticeable but for the most part its pretty impressive. I honestly felt for his character, the misery he feels was pretty emotional for me as I went through the same thing as he did. Once he turns into a beef cake he honestly just oozes awesomeness, Chris Evans is the definitive Captain America, I can’t imagine another actor playing the character.

I also liked Peggy Carter, hell she is so awesome that she has her own show I mean that says something! Tommy Lee Jones was Tommy Lee Jones, not much to say there all I can say is that he’s awesome. Sebastian Stan is great as Bucky and the rest of the cast is great.

2. The look and feel; this film has great production design and I love the old school feel/look of this film. You honestly feel like you’re in the 40s in this movie and Joe Johnston captures the timeline so well!

3. The villain; Hugo Weaving was really good as Red Skull, he could’ve been a little more compelling but for what he had to do for this film he did a great job!

1. Tone at times and for most of the film; this film does have a dry feel to it and it does cause the film to feel boring at times. It doesn’t bug me too much but I wanted some more energy. I’m not saying this film has to blow its load with tons of spectacle but I just wanted it to tone down on its dullness.

2. There is an over reliance on CGI and unfortunately some of it looks painfully noticeable and bad, especially the CGI used for the plane runway scene where Captain America is riding in the car, the CGI looked really bad I’m sorry. There are other scenes that are like that too that do take me out of the film at times.

Captain America: The First Avenger was really good I liked the old school feel of the film as well as the characters and action sequences. The dry feel did kind of effect the film for me a little and it might bug some people, but if you can look past it this film is very solid with fun set pieces and it all lends to a really good movie that stands as a film of its own not necessarily a superhero explosion extravaganza… which come to think of it, the next movie is…. yay!