Bromhexine – Proqure
Special for Racing Pigeons
Bromhexine is a derivate of the Adhatoda vasica plant and very effective for mucus clearance in the upper and lower respiratory tracts. Clean respiratory tracts ensure optimal breathing and better performance.
Bromhexine thins out tough mucus and makes the cilia work better, thus improving the respiratory tract’s ability to defend itself. Thus, it is in itself protective against bacteria and viruses. In addition, it improves the transport of medicines to the lungs. It is therefore included in our respiratory products: AirForceQure, ChlamyQure, OrnoQure White, FoscaTyl and SpiraDox+T. It does not need to be given in addition.
It can be used as a follow-up treatment after a course of antibiotics.
Use for:
Clearance of mucus in the upper and lower respiratory tracts.
Reduce the risk of inflammation.
5 grams per litre water for 20 pigeons on day of basketing and the day before basketing.
Store dark and dry.
Keep out of reach of children!
Close packaging well after use and wash hands.
Available in:
100 grams powder
300 grams powder