Bí quyết tạo ra các khám phá khoa học: Mắc sai lầm.

Carl Sagan was a tireless advocate for reality, and this book may be his best paean to science itself. He preaches about the need for scientific thinking in our everyday world, especially because our society depends on understanding science to survive. His writing is passionate, readable, interesting and critical.

The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

Charles DuBois | Penn State News, 1997 | Article

“Planets from the Very Start”

The story of the discovery of the first pulsar exoplanets reads like something out of a TV show script, and is a fascinating glimpse into the way science is done by actual scientists.

Phil Plait | Syfy Wire, 2014 | Article

“Meme, Myself, and Eyes”

So why is the sky blue, then? Let me explain.

The Khan Academy | Article

“The scientific method”

The Khan Academy has a nice, brief outline of the scientific method, and an example of how we use it in everyday life.

Phil Plait | Syfy Wire, 2018 | Article

“Science, humanity and the necessity of making mistakes”

After I gave this talk at TEDxBoulder, I wrote an article following some of my thoughts a little further.