Benefits of learning a second language at an early age | Ertheo Education & Sport
It can be difficult to raise a bilingual child, but the benefits of learning a second language at an early age are certainly worth the struggle.
Bilingual children learn faster and easier, have improved problem solving skills and creativity, and have more career opportunities in adulthood. They also find it easier to connect with other cultures which makes them more open-minded and tolerant of diversity, and they are less likely to experience age-related mental illness as they reach old age. Most importantly, it’s much easier to learn a second language at an early age.
In addition, learning a second language isn’t as difficult as it used to be. Scientists are constantly studying second language acquisition and developing new methodologies to help kids learn faster. And, the rising demand of language programs has created a whole new market of international summer camps with language classes where kids can enjoy their favorite activities and learn a new language at the same time. Check out these international camps:
If you are looking for a Spanish language program but don’t have the option to travel abroad we can highly recommend the online live Spanish courses offered by Salamanca University or online Spanish courses offered by Malaga University. Another alternative for younger children is the language programs offered by