At the Same Time的歌詞 – KnowKnow|MyMusic

Girl you know my English not good

But 我特別愛講 so what ?

We came at the same time every night

You want some R&B all right

Beautiful thing we do all night

You r my moon don’t say good night

有時我中文不太好 喝多了英文會亂飚

把你的手機快關掉 讓我搞定你 所有煩惱

葡萄酒灌到吐 然後 so what we gonna do?

這緊繃的牛仔褲 穿得我不舒服 oh no

能不能幫一幫我 反正time還多



We came at the same time every night

You want some R&B all right

Beautiful thing we do all night

You r my moon don’t say good night

有時我中文不太好 喝多了英文會亂飚

把你的手機快關掉 讓我搞定你 所有煩惱

Mr. Enjoy Da Money

Mr. Enjoy Da you tonight





繼續靈魂交流please don’t stop

Left turn Right turn 施展我的魔法


你越來越了解我 但還不夠透徹

昂 關上這扇door

我是不是你喜歡的那種Bad boy


好像在玩VR Game



Babe I want own you

If I can own you

Baby你就是my type

別的破事don’t kill my vibe



You like fire

We came at the same time every night

You want some R&B all right

Beautiful thing we do all night

You r my moon don’t say good night

We came at the same time every night

You want some R&B all right

Beautiful thing we do all night

You r my moon don’t say good night

有時我中文不太好 喝多了英文會亂飚

把你的手機快關掉 讓我搞定你 所有煩惱

We came at the same time every night

You want some R&B all right

Beautiful thing we do all night

You r my moon don’t say good night