Apple Photos (Mac, iOS, Apple TV, iCloud)

This is either a request for information (if anyone knows a way) or else a feature daydream (which would be feature request if I knew how to make one and didn’t think that would just go off into the ether to be ignored anyway).

In trying to find an image in Apple Photos that I took with my iPhone camera, it seems I have to scroll through everything: screengrabs, images and memes I’ve saved from text messages, images from Safari I’ve “Saved to Photos,” etc. What I can’t find is an album (or a media type) that shows only the photos I’ve taken myself using my iPhone. Is there one that I’m missing? Or, barring that, is there a way to set up a “Smart Album” that will display only those photos that were taken by my own (logged-into-iCloud Apple) device? It seems it would be an easy feature they should have added a long time ago yet, perhaps, one that still hasn’t occurred to them.