Apple Airport Extreme ME918Z/A


nice wifi powerhouse from Apple

  • very strong wifi signal

  • super easy installation

  • nice design

  • bit pricey

I previously used an Apple Airport Express that functions very well and sets up a stable WiFi network, but the range was not sufficient. From a few meters away from the router, the speed and signal strength were already halved, and in the bedroom on a straight line with no obstacles ten meters from the Airport Express, I had barely any range, and I could barely use the internet.
So looking for a stronger model and this Extreme certainly has not stolen its name. Super fast and stable network anywhere in the house.
The design is not up for discussion and is very subjective. You like it or not. But it’s a typical Apple design, sleek and modern, and I personally think it’s beautiful. The unique experience starts with unpacking the product. Apple is master of packaging their products and will put a smile on your face when you open the box. If not, you can still hide it in the meter cupboard. The Airport Extreme is in any case smaller than what it appears on many photos and videos. It’s just a pity that no network cable is included, but it can be ordered very cheaply at Coolblue.
Installation is, as we are used to from Apple, super easy and is done in a few seconds. Connect the power cable, start Airport Utility from your Mac or iPad, iPhone, and a few clicks further, everything is automatically and correctly configured. No network knowledge required.
But of course you buy a wireless router for performance, not just for a nice box, a nice design or even an easy installation. And in terms of performance, this Airport Extreme is a powerhouse. It provides a super-fast and stable WiFi network, even if you don’t have WiFi AC devices yet.
Prior to my purchase I doubted whether this Extreme would also give a greater range on Wifi N (I don’t have AC devices myself yet), and nowhere on the internet was this confirmed, or could I find clear information about the power and range of this Airport Extreme .
Therefore, the following overview clearly shows the difference with the Airport Express that I used before (measured with the iOS app “Wifi Sweetspots”.

Spot 1 (right next to router): AP Express 88.34 Mbps / AP Extreme 86.58 Mbps
Spot 2 (6 meters away): AP Express 61.59 Mbps / AP Extreme 87.30 Mbps
Spot 3 (10 meters away): AP Express 2.78 Mbps / AP Extreme 86.90 Mbps
Spot 4 (14 meters away): AP Express 1.36 Mbps / AP Extreme 49.20 Mbps
Spot 5 (16 meters away): AP Express 0 Mbps / AP Extreme 8.16 Mbps
Spot 6 (22 meters away): AP Express “no network” / AP Extreme 4.6 Mbps

Spot 1-4 : no obstacles, doors or walls
Spot 5-6 : 1 wall

Pretty clear that the Airport Extreme is a real powerhouse, and despite the slightly higher price tag, definitely worth the upgrade from the Airport Express if you want a longer range.
With 1 router I now have full WiFi coverage everywhere in the house, even in the garden and the garage behind it.
Super satisfied with my purchase at Coolblue, where, as usual, the employee was very friendly and knowledgeable, and the price was lower than all other stores.

  • Filip jacobs
  • 27 January 2015
  • Automatically translated from Dutch