American Values Overview & Ideals | What are American Core Values? – Video & Lesson Transcript |

Video Transcript

A Set of Ideals

Americans have always strived for the identity of being idealistic people. They set high standards for themselves and hold firmly to ideals that they believe are true, important, and desirable. However, Americans don’t always live up to these ideals, or core values, as our country has a history of discrimination, conflict, and lack of equality. Still, those ideals are linked to what America is meant to be as a country.

In this lesson, we will look at six of these core values: liberty, self-government, equality, individualism, diversity, and unity. Because these are abstract concepts and rather difficult to define, we will examine not only formal definitions but also a set of scenarios that show what each value looks like in everyday life.


Liberty is the value that proclaims that people should be free to think, speak, and act as they choose as long as they do not offend the freedom and rights of others.

A journalist uncovers corruption in one of the country’s largest political parties. Big-name leaders have been swiping money that donors contributed to the party’s campaign fund and used it to purchase things for themselves, things like sports cars and yachts. The journalist, employing his liberty in the forms of freedom of the press and freedom of speech, writes and publishes an article about the scandal and speaks about it on television.

A subsequent investigation proves that the leaders did exactly what the journalist claimed, and they lost their jobs and paid huge fines. A couple even went to jail, losing their liberty because they had misused it. This is liberty in action.

It is necessary when discussing liberty to acknowledge the flaws in American history particularly with enslaving people and operating under the Jim Crow laws of the South. Over time, liberty has become more accessible to all citizens but continues to be challenged and defended to this day.


Self-government is the value that declares that citizens have a say in how their government is run. They are the primary source of the government’s authority, they participate actively in the political process, and the government exists to promote their well-being.

A young woman who has just turned 18 is excited to be able to vote in an upcoming election. She carefully studies the background and positions of each candidate, listens closely to debates, makes a list of the issues and ideas that are most important to her, and votes accordingly. After the election, she plans to remain informed about the workings of government and stay in close contact with her leaders, sending them letters and emails to express her opinions. One day, she might even run for office herself. This is self-government in action.


Equality is the value that holds that all people must be treated fairly and with dignity and be able to embrace opportunities for education, economic success, political involvement, and a fulfilling life.

Equality, however, has not been a guaranteed right for many citizens in American history. Landmark court cases like the Dred Scott decision and Plessy vs. Ferguson ruled in favor of inequality for Black citizens. The Civil Rights movement and women’s suffrage movements were both countrywide actions to achieve equality for Black citizens and women.

Socioeconomic status has also played a role in terms of quality of education and opportunities for education. Families with low income may not be able to send their children to pre-school because of the expense or may have less access to technology and quality education. Programs like Head Start, though, have leveled the playing field by offering students the educational skills needed before starting kindergarten. Other organizations and programs work to guarantee that all students have access to higher-level courses, like AP courses as well as opportunities for higher-level learning and advancement to colleges and trade schools.

Equality is a core value that, through the multiple efforts of individuals and organizations, is more of a reality now than when America was born.


Individualism is the value that is committed to independence, self-sufficiency, private initiative, and personal economic growth. Individuals must be in control of their own lives and be able to make decisions without undue influence from the government or society.

An American corporate worker is sick and tired of the rat race of big business, and he decides to strike out on his own and start his own business. He has plenty of ideas, drive, and energy, and he has saved up some money to cover his start-up costs. He knows that he’s taking a risk, but he is willing to do so in order to be independent and take control over his own life and his own economic situation. This is individualism in action.


Diversity is the value that teaches us to respect and embrace the fact that all people are unique and important no matter what their race, culture, heritage, belief system, or socio-economic status.

Take a look around a classroom in a large American university. The students are of different races, different religious beliefs, different nationalities, different genders, and different social classes.

Some descend from ancestors who came to America in the earliest days of European colonization. Others are first or second-generation immigrants. The professor respects all of them and encourages them to share their views and make their own valuable contributions to the class. This is diversity in action.

Yes, diversity is a core value, but it is impossible to force acceptance into the hearts and minds of all Americans, or human beings for that matter. America is built on its diversity, but, as in many countries and cultures, there are individuals and groups who resist diversity, believing one race, religion, or lifestyle to be superior to others. Such attitudes do not erase the core value of diversity in America. If anything, it unites people to defend it.


Unity is the value that maintains that the United States is one indivisible nation and that Americans are a people bound by unbreakable ties.

As a young country, striving for unity has always been a battle, particularly because of the core value of liberty. Division occurs with political, personal, and geographical conflicts and has since Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson went toe-to-toe in the beginning. Yet, when threatened as a whole, Americans bond and unite as they did during the world wars and after the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. While disagreements are part of liberty in action, Americans remain united in supporting their veterans and one another in times of crisis and the core values they hold so dearly. This is unity in action.

Lesson Summary

Let’s review the ideals, or core values, that Americans uphold as the set of basic beliefs on which the American government was founded and continues to operate today.

  • Liberty is the value that proclaims that people should be free to think, speak, and act as they choose as long as they do not offend the freedom and rights of others.
  • Self-government is the value that declares that citizens have a say in how their government is run. They are the primary source of the government’s authority; they participate actively in the political process; and the government exists to promote their well-being.
  • Equality is the value that holds that all people must be treated fairly and with dignity and be able to embrace opportunities for education, economic success, political involvement, and a fulfilling life.
  • Individualism is the value that is committed to independence, self-sufficiency, private initiative, and personal economic growth. Individuals must be in control of their own lives and be able to make decisions without undue influence from government or society.
  • Diversity is the value that teaches us to respect and embrace the fact that all people are unique and important no matter what their race, culture, heritage, belief system, or socio-economic status.
  • Unity is the value that maintains that the United States is one indivisible nation and that Americans are a people bound by unbreakable ties.

These values, even though they are ideals that are not always met, continue to play a leading role in American life.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Define the six core values Americans believe in
  • Describe scenarios which may help understand each core value