American Revolution Timeline
Explore our timeline of the American Revolution and learn about the important events and battles that happened throughout this period of American history – from the Battles of Lexington and Concord to the signing of the Treaty of Paris. View the War of 1812 and Civil War timelines.
- May 28 – The French and Indian War begins
- July 10 – Albany Plan of Union—Benjamin Franklin proposes a single government for the colonies
- February 10 – The Treaty of Paris ends the French and Indian War. The English drive the French from North America, and the English national debt soars
- October 7 – Proclamation of 1763—King George III banned colonists from settling beyond the Appalachian mountains
- April 5 – Sugar Act—Smugglers could be tried in Admiralty Courts, without the benefit of a jury
- March 22 – Stamp Act—Tax on paper goods and legal documents
- March 24 – Quartering Act—Colonies must provide housing and food for British troops
- March 29 – Virginia House of Burgesses passes the Virginia Resolves, 7 resolutions that challenge the legality of the Stamp Act
- October 7-25 – Stamp Act Congress meets in Philadelphia to discuss the crisis
- March 18 – Parliament repeals the Stamp Act and passes the Declaratory Act, which reiterates Parliament’s authority over the colonies
- February 11 – Massachusetts Assembly issues Massachusetts Circular Letter, denouncing Townsend Acts
- August 1 – Boston Non-Importation Agreement—Boston merchants agree to not import British goods, or sell to Britain
- January 19 – Golden Hill Riot, NY
- March 5 – Boston Massacre
- June 9 – Gaspée Affair—A British ship patrolling for smugglers runs aground in Rhode Island and a local mob burns it; the mob is then accused of treason
- May 10 – Tea Act—An attempt by Parliament to undercut smugglers by reducing the price of tea to the colonies
- December 16 – Boston Tea Party
- March 31 – Boston Port Act— Parliament closes the city’s port in response to the Tea Party.
- May 20 – Administration of Justice Act and Massachusetts Government Act, two of the so-called Intolerable Acts, further anger colonists
- June 2 – Quartering Act is amended
- September 5–October 26 – First Continental Congress—Carpenter’s Hall, Philadelphia
- February 6 – The United States and France become allies
- February 7 – British General William Howe replaced by Henry Clinton
- May 20 – Battle of Barren Hill, PA
- June 18 – British abandon Philadelphia, Continental Army marches out of Valley Forge
- June 28 – Battle of Monmouth, NJ
- July 4 – George Rogers Clark captures Kaskaskia, in modern Illinois
- July 29–August 31 – French and American forces besiege Newport, RI
- December 29 – British capture Savannah, GA
- February 3 – Battle of Port Royal Island, SC
- February 14 – Battle of Kettle Creek, GA
- February 23–24 – George Rogers Clark captures Vincennes, in modern Indiana
- March 3 – Battle of Brier Creek, GA
- June 18 – Sullivan expedition attacks Indian villages in NY
- June 20 – Battle of Stono River, SC
- June 21 – Spain declares war on Great Britain
- July 7 – British burn Fairfield, CT
- July 11 – British burn Norwalk, CT
- July 16 – Americans capture Stony Point, NY
- July 24 – August 14 – Penobscot Expedition (Castine, ME)
- July 28 – Battle of Fort Freeland, PA
- August 19 – Battle of Paulus Hook, NJ
- August 29 – Battle of Newtown, NY
- September 16 – October 19 – American/French effort to retake Savannah fails
- September 23 – John Paul Jones and the USS Bonhomme Richard capture HMS Serapis near English coast
- November – Washington’s Main Army begins camping at Morristown, NJ
- March 8—9 – Indians attacked by militia at Gnadenhutten, in modern OH
- March 20 – Lord North resigns as Prime Minister of Great Britain
- April 19 – Netherlands recognizes American independence
- May 8 – American and Spanish forces capture Nassau, Bahamas
- July 11 – British evacuate Savannah, GA
- July 13 – British/Indian raid on Hannahstown, PA
- August 7 – Washington establishes the Badge of Military Merit, now known as the Purple Heart
- August 19 – Battle of Blue Licks, KY
- November 4 – Encounter at John’s Ferry, SC
- November 10 – George Rogers Clark raids Chillicothe, modern OH
- November 30 – British and Americans sign preliminary Articles of Peace
- December 14 – British evacuate Charleston, SC
- March 15 – Washington addresses the Newburgh Conspiracy and discontent in the Continental Army, Newburgh, NY
- April 19 – Congress ratifies the preliminary peace treaty
- September 3 – US and Great Britain sign the Treaty of Paris
- November 25 – British evacuate New York City
- December 4 – Washington bids farewell to his officers in New York City
- December 23 – Washington resigns as commander in Annapolis, MD