American Girl debuts Create Your Own Dolls
Having blond hair and blue eyes as a child meant that just about every doll looked kinda like me. I never had to search the toy shelves or special order a doll just to find one that I could relate to, and I never really realized how lucky that made me until I was out of the doll stage. My daughters {and son} haven’t been so lucky. As it turns out, hazel eyes with light brown hair and brown eyes with strawberry blonde hair is super hard to find as most dolls come with blue eyes straight off the shelves. I realize some other girls aren’t even that lucky and they have literally never seen a doll that looks like them or that they can relate to. That thought just breaks my heart.
American Girl gets that every girl is unique and brings her special mark to the world, which is why they will be offering a new Create Your Own service. This will allow your child to become a doll and clothing designer and choose their own hair color, hairstyle, eye color, eyewear, freckles, earrings, and even special accessories.
With more than a million possible combinations, your girl will get the chance to bring home a doll that is unique, just like her. You can also choose from 6 fashion favorites specially designed for this collection, which you can see below:
Your One of a Kind collection is $200 and includes:
- The doll you design
- Choice of outfit and accessory set
- Personalized keepsake box
- A create-your-own T-shirt
- 6 month subscription to American Girl magazine
- Free shipping
So, are you as excited as we are? I don’t even know what day the service will be released this month, but I’m already planning on checking out the service as soon as it’s available with my girls. It’s funny because I almost didn’t even open the newest American Girl catalog when it arrived since we were *just* at the Seattle store this week to see all the new stuff, but I’m so incredibly glad I did because I would have totally missed the news!
Side note: American Girl has the cutest new stuff this season – totally worth a trip to the store or site to check out all the new collections. Like the new Gabriela’s Loft Bed, the new Truly Me outfits, and the seriously awesome American Girl Grand Hotel set that the kiddos are swooning over. Each kid spent their birthday money they had saved for some new sets, and we spent over an hour checking out each new item as well as their favorite classics. It was well worth it.
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What doll would your child create?