American English File 1 Workbook ( PDFDrive ) – Workbook Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Paul – Studocu


Christina Latham-Koenig

Clive Oxenden

Paul Seligson



Christina Latham-Koenig

Clive Oxenden

Paul Seligson

PaulSeligson and Clive Oxenden are the original co-authors of
English File 1 and English File 2




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– AUDIO – Download ALL of the audio files for the Listening
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assessment test after you complete ea eh File.

Audio: When you see this Symbot!imm, go to the iChecker
disc in the back of this Workbook. load the disc in yeur computer.



Am.””. ENGLlSH FILE 1 , … “” .~ .. ” lchecker

l-a,;a·¡¡ da

Type your na me and press “ENTER.”

A”,,,¡ …
ENGLISH FILE 1 ” .. “”. ~ .. ” IChecker

Amp’Kan I:NGllSH Fll ~ 1 ,Ch … kp,
C¡.,.”,,'”,,”‘ .””OIOlANK’.. , …. __ o …. lbool ‘ … ‘.d
… ..-:

Choose “AUDIO BANK.”

3 Am.”,.n
ENGLISH FILE 1 ” ….. “…. IChecker

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.–… ._ .. _ .. “”–~ ,,” ~ ….

._., __ o

_.-… .. –

####### … ,_ ….. -_ __ …………….. …… ~ ~

ctick on the exercise for the File. Then use the media
player te listen.
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“audio” folder on the disco


File test: At the end of every File, there is a test. To do the
test, load the iChecker and select “Tests.” Select the test
for the File you have just finished.
ENGLISH FILE 1 ._ “”. ~ .. ” lChecker

…. “”‘_ …. ….,….” …. _

“”””””‘ .–“‘–……… “‘-

1 GRAMMAR verb be [±J, subject pronouns

a Complete caJumn 1 with rhe words in rhe box. Then
write rhe contractio n s in column 2.

she are they is 1 are is are

1 Full form 2 Contraction
Lam l’m
you 2 ,
he’ ,
, 15 ,
it B ,
we 10 u
you 12 ”
” are “

b Complete rh e sentences w irh be. Use a contracrion.

fu four. 2 _____ srudenrs.

5 ____ inataxi. 6 _____ touri sts.

My name’s Bond. James Bond.
lan Fleming, British writer

2 VOCABULARY days of the week,
numbers 0-20, greetings
a Put rhe letters in order to make days of the week.
Remember to start w ith a CAPITAL LETTER.
1 ARSAYDUT Saturda)!
b Conrinue rhe series.
1 five, six, seven , óglu llllte. teu
2 six, e ight, ten ,
3 twenty, nineteen,
4 five, seven, nine,

3 ____ in room 2. 4 ____ T hursday.

7 ____ in room 3 17. 8 Helio. _____ in my

1 GRAMMAR verb be [1J and El

a Complete S’s semen ces.
1 A Seoul is in China.
B lt isu’t in China. ¡t’s in South Korea.
2 A Lady Gaga is British.
B ________________ American.
3 A He’s Mexican.
B _______________ Peruv ian.
4 A Istanbul and Ankara are in Greece.
B _________________ Turkey.
5 A We’re in room 219.
B ________________ room 309.
6 A Parmesan is from France.
B ________________ Italy.
7 A You’re Brazilian.
B _______________ Argentinian.
8 A Enrique Iglesias is American.
8 _________________ Spanish.

b Order rhe words ro make quesrions.
your I’s I name I What
_ \Vh ~at ‘syo llrtwla~tn” ~e ————-?
2 she I W here I ‘s I from
3 America I from I (h ey I Somh I Are
4 five I room I \Ve I in I Are
5 vacation I yo u I Are I on
6 from I he I Vietnam I Is
e M atch t hese a nswers ro rhe questio ns in b.
a Yes, he is.
b No, I’m no[.
e She’s from ltaly.
d No, \Ve aren’t.
e Yes, rhey are.
f Michael.


How can you govern a country
which has 246 varieties of che ese?

2 VOCABULARV the world, numbers 21 – 100
a C omple te the senrences w irh a counrry or a nationality.
1 Luz is from Perl!o S he’s Peruvialt.
2 Bratwurst is German. Ir’s from Germatry
3 Aki is from Japan. He’s
4 My friends are ¡ranian. They’re from
S Maria is fram Mexica. S he’s
6 Kia cars are Sourh Korean. They’re from

7 Paella is from Spain. lr’s
8 We’re Thai. \Ve’re from
9 She’s from the United States. S he’s
10 They’re Brazilian. They’re [ram
b Complete the dialogues with a continent.
1 A Where’s Spain?
B It’s in
2 A Where’s Japan?
B It’s in
3 A Where’s Brazil?
B It’s in
4 A Where’s Canada?
B It’s in

e Comple te the compass.

d Write the numbers
in words.
1 27 tweutv-seven
2 33
3 40
4 48
S 56
6 62
7 74
8 85
9 99
l a 100


a ~irC@> th e sy llable wirh IJ/ in rhese words.
1 A ~ ri lca
2 ehilna
3 Ge ~ma lny
4 Irelland
5 Eurlope
6 Bralzil
7 Ilt ally
8 Jalpan
b :lIj.!¡mm Listen and check. Then listen
again and repear rhe words.
e ~t h ewo rdwithadi ffere nt so und.

~ 1 Chinese English French

JN 2 Turkish Russian Vietnamese


‘~ , 3 Spanish Japanese Argentinian

d $C!imm Listen and check. Then listen
again and repear rhe \Vords.


Read abollt rhree people:
Yin, Moira, and Carlos.
Mark rhe sentences T (rrue)
or F (false).
1 Moira is a teacher. L
2 Carlos is a srudent.
3 Moira is twenry-eight.
4 Yin is a reacher.
5 Yin is fro m Asia.
6 Carlos is nineteen.
7 Yin is twenty-eighr.
8 Moira is American.

This is Vino He’s 19 and
he’s a student. Vin is
Chinese. He’s from
Shanghai, a big city in
the east of China.

J’,.,mm Listen and complete rhe dia logues.

1 A Are you ________ 7
B No, I’m Turkish. I’m from Istanbul.
2 A Where are yau from?
B We’re ________ ” We’re from
________ ” We’re on vacatian in South America.
3 A Where’s he from? 15 he ________ 7
B No, he isn’t. He’s. He’s from Cancún.
4 A Mmm, delicious. 15 it ________ 7
B No, it isn’t. It’s ________.

Learn these words and phrases.
flag Ifla:gl
lang uage 1 ‘Ia~IJgWld3 /
Excuse me… /Ik’skyuz mil
l’m from… /’a1m from/
A 11 over the \Vor\d. _1 :)_ ‘ouvdr i);) wdrldl
l’m n a t sure. /arm not Jur!
W here are you from? /wer ar yu ‘rrom!

This is Moira. She’s an
English teacher and she’s
28. Moira is Canadian.
She’s from Vancouver, a
city in the west of Canada.

This is Carlos. He’s Mexican.
He’s from Monterrey, an
important city in the North
of Mexico. Carlos is 25 and
he’s a receptionist in a hotel.

3 VOCABULARV classroom language

a Com plete che sentences.
1 Close (h e door.
2 L. _____ and repeat.
3 O _____ your books, please.
4 W _____ m palrs.
S A [ he qucstion.
6 T off yaur cell phone.
7 L ar (h e board.
8 G to page 9 4.
b O rder rhe words to make sentences.
1 don’, / 1/ know
I don’t kltQw.
2 do / How / it / yOl! / s pell
3 dou’e 11/ understa nd

4 you / t hat / ca n / please / repeat / Sor ry,

5 in I En glish I Excu se I what’s I m e, I “vacacio nes”

6 rc m cmber / 1/ can’t

4 PRONUNCIATION lo ul, lul, lar/;

the alphabet
a ~~t h e word w irh a d iffere nt vowel sound.

~ know don’t nort h

dE two south you

~ <@<@ Argentinian start vocabulary

~ go clase do

b -<mmm , Listen a nd check. The n list en again al
repear rhe word s.

e ~~t h e lereer \Virh a di ffe rc m vowel sound.


di ~
train tree boot egg bike
H e Q F E
G S o M y

d ,-,14A1» Listen and check. Then listen again and
, re pear rhe letters.

Jf,!,QHGJ List en ro che dia logue at a ho t el receprion
desk. Complete che formo





Email address

Phone number

Cell ¡:>hone numbe

Learn these words and phrases.
address j:;,’drEsl
age lerd
zip code j’zlp koudl
receptio nist Irr’SEpJ;)nIstl
sr udenr j’studnt/
¡a st name /’la:st nelm/
fi rsr n a m e j’ fdrst neml/
ce H phone ¡’sEl foonl
ph on e number /’fovn llAmbJrl
How o ld are you? I hau ‘ould Qf yul
I’ m 22. faJm twenti ‘tul

,- lifif) FILE 1

Arriving in London

1 VOCABULARY In a hotel
Complete rhe words.

1 rhe elevatQr 4 r ____ _
2 as, _____ fOom 5 thef _____ fl ___ _
3 ad _____ room


Complete rhe conve rsatio n \Vith phrases in (he box.
Can yau sign here, please? I have-a reservaban
Just a secand… Thank yau That’s right
A Good evening, sir.
B Hello. 1 1 llave a reservation. My name’s Carl Zimmerman.
A Can you spell that, please?
B Z-I-M-M-E-R-M-A-N.
A Thank yau. For three nights?
B Yes. 2 _________ _
A Can I have your passport, please?
B 3 Here yau are.
A Thank yau. 4 Thank yau.
Here’s your key. It’s room 403, on the fourth floar. The
elevator is ayer there. Enjoy your stay, Mr. Zimmerman.
B ‘ ——-


Complete rhe missing words in rhe dialogue.
1 A Who is t his?
B ThL is David Barnsley.
2 A Where are yau from?
B I’m from Bostan. What a yau?
3 A Sorry.
B No pr
4 A Hello?
B 15 th Tom?
5 A Are you on vacation?
B No. I’m here on b
6 A 15 10:30 OK for you?
B That’s p
7 A Would you like another drink?
B No thank5. 1t’5 t for bed.

a Match rhe hotels ro the people. Wrire the numbers
in rhe boxes.
1 Antonia and James want ro have a relaxing weekend.
2 Mr. Edwards wanrs ro have a t\Vo-day meeting
wirh manage rs fr om or her US offices.
3 The Scon family wants te go ro Boston and visit
rhe ciry.

One Audubon Road
Wakefield, MA 01880

Hotel Marlowe
25 Edwin H, Land
Cambridge, MA 02141

Conference center
Wi-fi connection
12 miles from Logan

22 suites, 96 luxury rooms
Room service
3 first-class restaurants
Beautiful views of Boston
2 miles from central Boston

236 family-friendly rooms
Children stay for free
Wi-fi connection
Fitness center
Free morning coffee and tea
2 miles from the central Bastan
b Underline five words or phrases you don’r know.
Use your dicrionary ro look up rheir meaning and

d Complete rh e chart.

Singular Plural

e Complete t h e semences with a word from the charr in d.
1 Her mather is a very ni ce persan
2 My Engli sh teacher is a. His name’s
3 1 have r\Vo ____ o My first ____ I S SIX
years old.
4 Many American drink caffee.
S Nor rhar resrroom, Mr. D avis! Ir’s for
____ , n ot ____ _

3 PRONUNCIATION final-s and -es; th

a ~t h e \Vord thar ends in hz/o
,—- –

b ~! jt!t!! m Listen and check. T hen li s ren again and
– repeat rh e \Vords.

c ~~the \Vord \Vith a differen t sound.


, 1 that they thanks

& 2 thing thirty these



, 3 three this the

& 4 Thursday those thirteen


d 51’j1jtiIm Listen and check. Then listen again and
repear the words.

Read the t ext and label the pictures.

The top five things

in people’s bags

Keys are at the top of the list. They can be house keys.
car keys. or office keys. Next are pens, to write down na mes,
numbers, and email addresses. Number three on the list is
a package of tissues. These can be white or different colors.
like pink or yellow. Next is medicine. for example aspirin for
abad head. Receipts are number five on the list. These are
small pieces of paper from stores.

4 5

,!.t 49 m Listen ro four pea pie talking about things
8-they have in rhe ir b ags. Which person …?
1 has a book in his I her bag that helps him I her s p ea k
to people
2 has something to listen to music
3 c hanges bags every day
4 has a computer in his I her bag

Learn these words and phrases.
lamp /hemp/
r 00111 /ruml
near Init/
messy l’ mEsi/
\Vhat’s this in English? /wats Ó¡S In ‘1l)ghSI

1 GRAMMAR adjectives

a ~~t h e correct \Vords.
1 T hey’re jeans blue I blue jeans.
2 Ir’5 a nice day I day nice.
3 My sisters a re very taH! very taUs.
4 That’s a c a r fase I fase caro
S T hese are goods photos I good photos.
6 T hose booes are realIy cheap I rea lIy cheaps.
7 lt’s a big house I house higo
8 Her children aren’tvery olds I very oId.
b Order che words ro make sente nces.
1 blue 1 T his 1 is 1 a 1 pen
T his is a bluepen
2 expen sive I an fThar’s I watch

3 ver y 1 My I long 1 hair 1 is

4 [ ie h I ve ry I is I \Yom a n I T hat

5 boots 1 really 1 Your 1 dirty 1 are

6 ci ty 1 T hi s 1 a 1 dangerous 1 is

7 ver y 1 book 1 good 1 T hat 1 isn’t 1 a

8 big 1 ha use 1 very 1 is 1 His

2 VOCABULARY colors,
adjectives, modifiers:
very / really
a Write rhe colo r5.
1 blue + yello\V = _ weell
2 black + w hire o
3 red + yeLlow o
4 w hire + red o
5 red + green o

Not merely a nation, but a nation of nations.
Lyndon B Johnson, American president

b Com p lete rh e cross\Vord. \ Vrire rh e opposite adjectives.

‘ F A S T

, ,

  • ¡– ¡–
    rr- ¡– ¡– r¡¡¡-

¡– ¡– ¡– ¡–
, ¡–

¡– I

  • C lues across-+ C lu es d ow n~
    2 slow 12 cold 1 dangerous 7 small
    4 cheap 13 weak 3 ea sy 9 new
    8 ri eh 14 clean 5 far 10 ri ght
    11 bad 6 full 13 ra ll

e Match the pictures to t h e sentences. \ Vr ite the letter in t h e box.

1 She’s rhin, wit h lon g hair. lID 4 She’s young, \Virh blond hair. O
2 He’s tal!, \Vith short luir. O 5 He’s short, \Vith d ark hair. O
3 He’s old, and good – 6 She’s far , and sh e’s
looking. O b eautiful. O

1 GRAMMAR imperatives, let’s

a Complete rhe sentences \Virh a verb in the box.


Use a r±J or a El imperative.

be clase come drink park slow speak turn worry
1 The city is dangerous ar night. Please b< careful.
2 Ir’s cold in heteo Please rhe w indow.
3 Ir isn’t a probJem. Please abour it.
4 T hi s is an English cl ass. Please Spanish.
5 Their h ouse is on rh is srreet. Please clown.
6 c n! We’re la te!
7 T his is a bus stop. Please h eteo
8 rhar water – it’s ditty.
9 T hi s music is terrible. Please ir off.
Match rhe sent ences ro rhe p icru res.

A Let’s park here.
B- l:etls-go home.

o Let’s cross the road here.
E Let’s go te a hotel.
e Let’s eat lunch there. F Let’s turn on the air conditioning.

, , ,
. ‘ ‘. , ,

Don’t worry, be happy.
Bobby McFerrin, American musician

2 VOCABULARY feelings
Write a sentence from rhe box.

l’m angr-y. I’m bared. l’m caldo I’m happy.
l’m hato I’m hungry. l’m sad. l’m stressed.
I’m tired. I’m thirsty. I’m worried.
I My friend is lare. I’mallB’Y’
2 It’s 37 ° F.
3 It’s my birrhday!
4 My mother is in the hospital.
5 It’s rime for dinner.
6 I don’r kno\V what ro do.
7 It’s 100 ° F.
8 I[,s very lare.
9 My husband is very far away.
10 r want water.
II 1 have a lot of work.

3 PRONUNCIATION understanding
connected speech
a Practice saying the se n ten ces.
Look ~ ar rhose children.
2 Turn ~ off the TY.
3 Let’s ~ ask that mano
4 Don’t ~ open (he window.
5 Let’s ~ ear ~ at home.
6 Sit ~ on this chaie.
b S”,(:tt!m Listen and check. Then listen
again and repeat the sentences.

c Complete rhe chan with rhe words in the box.

angry fat happy have hungry matter Monday one
sad ugly does young


~ rn

ca! up

d .:t,.mm Lisren and check. Then listen again and repear

(he \Vords.


a Read rhe anide abollr rips for a long car trip. Match rhe
headings ro rhe paragraphs.

Have fun! Is your car ready? Plan your trip.
Make sure ev erything is in the caro Keep awake!

  • A Plafl;l1our trip.
    Look at a map befo re you go. Think about the time you need
    to arrive at your destination and places where perhaps there
    is a lot of traffie.
    o B ________________________________________ __
    Accidents sometimes happen because cars are in bad
    condition. Check the engine, the lights, and the wheels.
    Take the car to the garage if necessary.
    o e ________________________________________ __
    Put your bags and everything you want to take with you
    in the hall the night before. Don’t forget essential documents
    like passports or ID cards, and of course your driver’s license.
    o D ________________________________________ __
    Being tired is very dangerous for drivers. If you are tired, stop
    at a service station. Have a coffee or sl eep for 15 minutes.
    In the car, open the windows and turn the radio on.
    o E ________________________________________ __
    Children are often difficult during long trips. Take games, for
    example, computer games or word games, and iPods to listen
    to music. And don’t forget things to eat and drink.

b Underline five words yOll don’t kno\V. Use yOllr dicrionary
ro look up rheir meaning and pronunciarion.

,!n;m List en to the dialogues and choose
a , b, or c.
Where are (hey?
a ar an airporr
b ar home
e in a restaurant
2 \Vhere are they?
a in a horel
b inaear
e in a resraurant
3 \Vhere are (hey?
a in aplane
b in a hotel
e In acar
4 \Vhere are they?
a in a resraurant
b ar horne
e III a car
5 Where are they?
a in a hotel
b at an airport
e ar horne

Learn these words and phrases.
jacket I’d3rekotl
pants /prents/
sign Isaml
skirr /sbrtl
uniform /’yun.fJrm /
grear (opposite terrible) /grelt/
left (appasi’e right) Ilcft!
park (verb) Iparkl
stop /stop/
trip /tnp/
wirh /wISI
Be quiet! /bi ‘kwalt l
Don’t worry. /’dount ‘wACil
Slow down. /sloo ‘daoo/
turn on (opposite turn off) /’ t~rn an/


a Read the texto Match the headings (A-D) ro the paragraphs.

A Enjoy your dinner.
B Shopping on the street
e Traveling is so easy!
D We can find that for yau.


II0ue about

South Korea

Carly Hamilton is American, but she lives
in Seoul, South Korea. Here are some
things she loves about living there.
1 _____________ _
In South Korea. the customer is really important. When
you walk into a sto re, the salespeople greet you with
a smile and say, “Helio.” As you shop, lhey ask you if
you need help. If yau can’t find something you want,
lhe salespeople lry lo find il for you. They wanl you lo
be happy.
2 _____________ ___
Ilove restaurants that serve South Korean meat’s so
delicious. The servers grill the meat, and then they cut
it for youl They also serve banchan-little side dishes of
vegetables. The servers are very busy in South Korean
restaurants. They don’t talk as much as servers in the
US, but they make sure that you have a great meal!
3 _____________ ___
There are so many places to shop in South Korea! Peop[e
sell things like clothes and jewe[ry on the street. There
are shopping booths in the subway stations, too! When [
take the subway to work, I often buy a pretty bracelet or
necklace beca use they’re so cheap. [t’s really nice!

4The tran== sportation __ ~ ~~~~

system is great here!
It’s easy to get around
because there are signs,
and a [ot of them are in
English! You can use your
cel[ phone on the subway
here, too. You can’t do
that in the US!

b Guess rhe meanin g of rhe highlighred \Vords. Check in
your dicrionary.


“, •. w:m Listen ro the three speakers talking about

Britain. Answer rhe quesrions \Virh H (Hannah),
L (Lina), or J (Julianna).

Hannah, Korea Una, Brazil Julianna, the US

Who …?
1 doesn’t like rhe food D
2 likes earing food from many different eountries D
3 likes rhe armosphere at work
4 likes rhe parks

thinks rhe traffie is terrible
rhinks rhar people are nice ro foreigners

Learn these words and phrases.
love /lAV/
rain Irell1/
buy (apposite sell) Iball
call Ibl/
change ItJelnd3 1
feel Ifil/
need /n id /
pay Ipell
prefer /pn’f:;.r/



a Complete th e crossword.

Clues across-+

b Com plete the job descript io n s wit h a verb from t he Iist.

work earn speak drive have work travel wear

1 “1 1 wQrk inside and outside during the day or at night.
l’ _______ a car and so metimes J walk along t he street.
1 d on’t 3 _______ a lot of money. 14 _______ a uniform.”

2 ~I work in an office with a computer, or outside with ot her people.
1; _______ Fr ench and Spanish and J sometimes
to dif ferent countries. 1 don’t wear a uniformo
I ‘ for a newspaper.”

3 “1 weara uniform and 1 work with other people B ______ a
college degree, but I don’t 9 a lot of money.
I work during the day or at night, but I don’t work outside.
I ” _______ in a hospital.”

e Match t he descriptio n s ro a jobo
a journalist D a nurse D a poliee offieer D

Ilike to w ork: it fascinates me.
I c an sit and look at it for hours.

C lu es d ow n~

e \ Vrite -cr Of -oro
1 soccer play 4 hairdress
2 m a n a~ 5 doC[ __
3 teac ~ 6 lawy __
d Complete rhe sentences w irh t hese words.

a an at for in retired unemployed
1 He studies eeonomics at 5ehoo1.
2 My brorher is ________ engmeer.
3 Wework ________ an Amer ican
4 Ido n’thaveajob’m _______ _
5 Paola is recept ionisr.
6 My grand parents are 75. T hey’re

7 T hey work _______ a Eaerory.