American Craft Podcast | American Craft Council

portrait of podcast host sarah rachel brown in recording studio with mic and headphonesamerican craft podcast

American Craft Podcast amplifies the voices of artists covered in the beautiful pages of American Craft magazine, as well as other innovators in the craft field. Through intimate conversation and storytelling, listeners get an up-close experience of how artists work with materials and develop their designs, how objects come into being, and what it means to live a life in craft.

Published periodically, American Craft Podcast also explores ways to strengthen the businesses of craft artists. It reminds listeners about the legacies of craft and its significance in our evolving culture, considering not only craft’s beauty, but also its social impact. As with stories in American Craft magazine and on our other digital media platforms, American Craft Podcast shares the breadth and depth of craft across the nation.

Launched in April 2022, the first series of episodes from American Craft Podcast will follow our “Object As…” initiative, produced by Sarah Rachel Brown of Perceived Value. ACC commissioned six artists to create an object to carry ideas that are relevant to them today. Through one-on-one interviews, you will hear each artist speak to how these objects came into being and the significance they hold.

Play our most recent episodes below or find American Craft Podcast and subscribe wherever you listen.


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stack of four issues of american craft with the spring 2022 issue on topnational endowment for the arts arts dot gov

This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. To find out more about how National Endowment for the Arts grants impact individuals and communities, visit