American Bandogge Mastiff Puppies for Sale from Phoenix, Arizona Breeders
American Bandogge Mastiff prices fluctuate based on many factors including where you live or how far you are willing to travel. You should never buy a puppy based solely on price. Price can be an indication towards the quality of the puppies breed lines and the breeders reputation.
The current median price of American Bandogge Mastiffs in Phoenix is $550.00. This is the price you can expect to pay for the American Bandogge Mastiff breed without breeding rights. If you require a pup with breeding rights or for show quality with a top pedigree then expect to pay from $2,500 upwards to $4,000 or even more. The average cost for all American Bandogge Mastiffs sold in the Phoenix area is $800.
Please note, we display both the average price and the median price as the average price could be skewed based on a few outliers. The average can be impacted by a few very expensive puppies listed or sold or even a few cheap puppies often advertised or priced to display the deposit-only price.
We do not allow Phoenix breeders, adoption centers, rescues or shelters to list American Bandogge Mastiffs for free in Phoenix. Beware of scams: If you find a breeder in Phoenix, Arizona or an online advertisement on Craigslist advertising a litter of “puppies for free” or to a “good home for free” then run, do not walk away.
How are American Bandogge Mastiffs priced near the Phoenix area?
Median Price: $550.00
Average Price: $800.00
Top Quality: $2,500.00 to $4,000.00
Compare the cost of Phoenix American Bandogge Mastiff puppies to All Nationwide:
United States Median Price: $575.00
United States Average Price: $1,000.00
United States Top Quality: $3,600.00 to $6,900.00