Ambulance Patient Offload Times (APOT) | Orange County California – Health Care Agency


NOTE: The APOT time is defined as the time the ambulance wheels stop to the time the patient is transferred from the ambulance gurney to a bed in the emergency department. These times are aggregated and reported at the 90th percentile pursuant to established California State defined standards. Orange County APOT standards are defined pursuant to OCEMS Policy 310.96. 


Monthly APOT Reports

Ambulance Patient Offload Time (APOT) reports are produced monthly and are available by clicking here. 

APOT / Diversion Dashboard by ERC
The Dashboard below will display Ambulance Patient Offload Time (APOT)  Diversion Time trends by Emergency Receiving Center.

*Data Source: Orange County Medical Emergency Data System (OC-MEDS)


Daily APOT Monitor by ERC
The Dashboard below will display daily Ambulance Patient Offload Time (APOT)  trends by Emergency Receiving Center.

NOTE: The data is based  on near real time information and is subject to variability in displayed outcome. It is being provided to assist with determining trends only.  All final/reconciled APOT reports are available on  the Monthly APOT Reports page.

Dashboard to be refreshed every Mon./Wed./Fri. 

*Data Source: Orange County Medical Emergency Data System (OC-MEDS)


APOT Gauge (All ERCs)
The gauge below will display the countywide APOT (90th percentile) for the most recent 12 and 24 hours time period(s).

Data source: Orange County Medical Emergency Data System (OC-MEDS). Data provided by 9-1-1 ambulance transport provider reports.
NOTE: Since data is provided in real time, it is possible that there may be some variability in displayed outcome.


APOT Gauges by ERC
The gauges below will display APOT (90th percentile) by ERC for the most recent 12 and 24 hours time period(s).

Data source: Orange County Medical Emergency Data System (OC-MEDS). Data provided by 9-1-1 ambulance transport provider reports.
NOTE: Since data is provided in real time, it is possible that there may be some variability in displayed outcome. Gauges may display as blank for any given ERC if there were no posted PCRs within the measured time frame.