Amazon’s Ecosystem Grows Bigger And Stronger By The Day. Should We Be Worried?
© 2018 Bloomberg Finance LP
Amazon’s latest quarterly results have surprised analysts, as this behemoth keeps growing. Amazon has been on a roll. In the first quarter of 2019, net sales from North American operations were up 17% to $59.7 billion, compared with $51.0 billion in first quarter of 2018.
Yet much of its growth has been made by independent third-party sellers on Amazon, Amazon’s “ecosystem partners”. Their success seemed to concern Jeff Bezos, who used his annual letter to shareholders to raise the alarm. Mr. Bezos’ investors would be forgiven for thinking the worst, as third-party sellers’ sales have rocketed in the past two decades, from three % in ‘99, to the present day total of 53%. As he bluntly admitted, “Third-party sellers are kicking our first-party butt. Badly.” Perhaps they did; but in doing so, they helped cement Amazon’s dominance.
So why do independent sellers do so much better on Amazon than on, say, eBay? Bezos’ answer is simple: “We helped independent sellers … by investing in and offering them the very best selling tools we could imagine and build.” These tools help resellers to manage inventory, process payments, track shipments and sell internationally. Most categories involve vendor and referral fees – but companies aren’t obliged to pay for digital marketing and, when they do, the potential sales volume can be significant.
While some shareholders may fret, none of this is actually bad for Amazon. In fact, the flourishing of these “complementors” helps its ecosystem to outcompete its rivals. It brings in the volume Amazon needs to leverage its investments in fulfillment and allows it to experiment with innovations in retailing. It also provides ever-deeper information about its client base – a key ingredient of Amazon’s secret sauce.
For Amazon, the benefits of cultivating its third-party reseller community are clear. The company owns the platform, it coordinates the ecosystem for selling and support and, most importantly, it owns the “environmental brand.” With a market valuation hovering around the $1TN mark, it’s no wonder Bezos feels comfortable. His resellers’ success merely adds to Amazon’s luster – and helps reassure regulators concerned over its dominance too.
Once you’ve built an ecosystem like Amazon, you can also “wander” on your customers’ behalf and expand from a solid base – as Amazon did with Amazon Web Services (AWS). As Bezos reports, “No one asked for AWS” – although actually the world was “ready and hungry for a cloud offering like AWS but didn’t know it.” Amazon followed a hunch, risked its cash and began to build. Now it’s reaping the rewards of acting as an orchestrator: growing more powerful and breaking into sectors from fresh produce to healthcare and striking fear into established sectors. However, whether it’s ultimately good for consumers or society for platforms like Amazon to swallow bricks-and-mortar retail with the help of third parties is another question.
Bezos and his enterprises are a potent illustration of the power that flows from successfully building a business ecosystem – an organizational form that is fast gaining momentum in the business world. Until recently, many companies – indeed, entire sectors – could get away with acting like insular silos. Now, three things have changed: First, regulatory overhaul has shaken things up. Second, digitization has enabled low-cost connections between firms. And third, Lego-like modularization has thrown up completely new ways of connecting products and processes.
As Nokia CEO Steven Elop told employees in 2011, “Our competitors aren’t taking our market share with devices; they are taking our market share with an entire ecosystem. This means we’re going to have to decide how we either build, catalyze, or join an ecosystem.” Nokia, like Blackberry, was too late in understanding the power of ecosystems. And while that was a catastrophe for Nokia’s own business, for the mobile-phone sector as a whole it meant flourishing innovation and deeper competition.
The challenge, both for aspiring firms and society as a whole, is that today’s successful orchestrators are more like Amazon than Nokia. They are not ambushed by trends, they lead them – or create them. As a result, their dominance grows broader and stronger day by day. What’s more, as Bezos keeps reminding shareholders, Amazon acts like a “Day One” firm, willingly tolerating mistakes like the Fire phone on the way to building breakthrough platforms like Echo and Alexa. Crucially, Amazon also puts the success of its ecosystem ahead of the success of its own services. Despite Bezos’ bluster, Amazon knows that its complementors are not parasites, but symbiotes. Each of them needs the other to succeed.
However, the real problem isn’t Amazon’s phenomenal success. The broader question is whether its influence restricts healthy competition or allows Amazon to bend sectors to its own advantage. That’s why we need to reflect on the social impacts of an ecosystem-based economy where strong orchestrators such as Uber, Lyft, Google, and Amazon build powerful, interconnected webs of complementors that extend across sector and market boundaries.
Some moves in this direction are already under way, with initiatives such as the FTC hearings on the economics of platforms and a commission led by President Obama’s Economic Advisor, Jeff Furman, making a number of important recommendations to the UK Treasury earlier this spring.
Meanwhile, presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren has caused a commotion with her tech antitrust plan. At this stage, arguments both for and against it seem to be based more on gut feeling than on careful analysis. When the dust settles and cooler heads prevail, perhaps we can hold a more serious discussion about the power of ecosystem orchestrators, as it is long overdue.
Whatever our position, it is hard to dispute that today’s regulatory apparatus is still too firmly focused on antitrust and price-fixing concerns within clearly bounded markets. Yet we need to think much more broadly, refocusing on the big picture of how we can assess and restrain the power of ecosystem orchestrators who have no respect for the boundaries between sectors and markets. We need to tackle ecosystems and the power of their orchestrators head-on – before it’s too late.
For further reading on subject of ecosystems, download ‘Platforms and Ecosystems: Enabling the Digital Economy’, World Economic Forum, February 2019, or visit ‘The Myths and Realities of Business Ecosystems’, MITSloan, February 25th, 2019.
Michael G. Jacobides, Professor of Strategy and the Sir Donald Gordon Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation at London Business School, is the co-author of the World Economic Forum’s White Paper on Digital Platforms and Ecosystems.