Amazon in Europe – statistics & facts | Statista

A hub for small businesses

As the European business economy is largely made up of

In 2022, first-party selling represented the

More than a retailer

In countries where Amazon has fewer domestic competitors, the share of

Turbulent times

In 2022,

As the European business economy is largely made up of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), Amazon plays an important role in e-commerce employment in the region, serving as a contractor for more than 200,000 sellers. Amazon’s partnership with SMEs contributed to over 650,000 new jobs created in Europe , mostly in the UK and Germany. In the two countries, the e-commerce giant can count on an extensive network of both distribution facilities and sellers, followed by France, Italy, and Spain.In 2022, first-party selling represented the most popular selling model in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), although down from the previous year. Following the trend registered in the United States , EMEA sellers preferred hybrid selling schemes over the exclusive third-party (3P) model. Things might change in the future since Amazon offered European 3P sellers different conditions based on the settlement agreed with EU regulators in 2022. Prior to that, the European Commission investigated Amazon’s usage of 3P sellers’ data, which appeared to favor Amazon’s retail business.In countries where Amazon has fewer domestic competitors, the share of consumers ordering from the marketplace is significantly higher than in countries with established local players. In 2022, three in four online consumers shopped on Amazon in Italy, whereas only 52 percent of buyers did the same in the United Kingdom. Among frequent buyers , French consumers were the most reluctant to shop on Amazon, overshadowed once again by Italians who also contributed to the highest sales growth during Black Friday . In Italy and Spain, Amazon even dominated product search , outdoing industry leaders like Google. This is in line with an already observed general trend seeing big marketplaces as key touchpoints for product search at the expense of search engines and social media.In 2022, Amazon’s net sales slightly increased in the United States while they stagnated in Europe, probably due to the economic recession. In Germany, net sales decreased for the first time since 2015, and a similar downturn was registered in the United Kingdom . Moreover, Amazon hasn’t spared the European workforce from the massive wave of layoffs that started in 2022 and is likely to continue in 2023. A major headcount reduction is likely to happen in Spain, with the announced closure of the warehouse of Martorelles, near Barcelona, by mid-2023.