Amazon Drop Shipping Software

Amazon Drop Shipping Software

If you’ve ever purchased something from Amazon, you’ve likely
wondered what it took to get the item from the manufacturer to
the warehouse and then shipped to your door.

In most cases, the original company might have used a form of
online sales called drop shipping. This is where the seller of
the product sends items directly from the company that made the
product to the end buyer.

As an eCommerce brand, there are numerous benefits to this type
of system. Not only do you no longer have to worry about keeping
products in your own warehouse, but packing and shipping are
completely taken care of by the manufacturer on your behalf.
Depending on your agreement with them, they’ll usually include
your invoices and packaging to make it appear as though you
shipped the item yourself.

What’s even better is that using drop shipping on Amazon allows
you to get in front of the millions of shoppers that use and
trust the eCommerce giant on a regular basis. Whether your
online store has been around for a long time or you’re just
starting out, this type of partnership can be a really big deal.

To help you learn more about this process, we’ve created this
Amazon dropshipping guide. Not only will we help you learn why
this setup is so awesome, but we’ll also provide tips to make
the whole thing a lot easier for your brand by automating
certain processes with Amazon dropshipping software.

In this article, you’ll discover:

  • Why You Should Use Amazon Dropshipping to Sell Products
  • Specific Amazon Dropshipping Policies to Know
  • How to Find the Best Amazon Dropshipping Software for Your

If you’ve always wondered how to dropship with Amazon and the
process of automating most tasks, this guide is definitely
something you’ll want to read all the way through.

Ready to get started? Let’s go.

Amazon Dropshipping Policy

One of the first questions a lot of people have about
dropshipping on Amazon is whether it is something they
specifically allow. After all, you don’t want to ever do
anything that could put your account status in jeopardy.

In fact,
Amazon’s dropshipping policy
specifically explains that as long as you’re the seller of
records on your products, identify yourself on all packaging and
invoices, and generally follow the seller guidelines, there’s no
problem with having a third-party handle your orders.

You cannot, however, purchase from another retailer and have
them send the product to an Amazon customer. (Sorry to dash your
dreams of buying on eBay or and sending it off

If you’re in another country, your guidelines might vary. Here
are a few links to help you find what you need:

Another question? If there are any specific costs for
dropshipping. The good news is that there are no additional
Amazon drop shipping fees other than the standard listing rates.
For a lot of companies, this is a huge benefit of sending items
directly to the customer from the manufacturer.

Is Amazon Dropshipping Profitable?

Now it is time to answer your most pressing question about this
type of eCommerce strategy. Is Amazon drop shipping profitable?

The truth is that it can be very lucrative, but you have to know
how to do it the right way. With so many items coming and going
outside of your control, you’ll need to be organized. Having the
best dropshipping software for Amazon is incredibly important to
be able to track items, sales, and profits.

Think of it like this. You take the time to negotiate the cost
of a product at wholesale rates or on sale. Then you sell it for
the retail cost to the customer. Without the added costs of
warehousing or shipping, you’re set for making a pretty decent

Compared to a lot of other options when it comes to making money
online or growing an eCommerce business, this is a lot more
flexible and easy to start with minimal requirements.

So, is dropshipping on Amazon worth it, and should you try it
for yourself? Absolutely. And who is starting this type of
business? Everyone from stay-at-home parents to seasoned
entrepreneurs can use drop shipping to sell products online.

Drop Shipping Tools

Of course, having the right dropshipping tools can mean the
difference between a successful enterprise and a total flop.
With so many software options out there, it is important to go
with one that is as robust as possible. Here are a few different
aspects to look for.

Easy Setup

Your primary dropshipping management tool needs to be easy to
set up. Make sure that you can easily add your product listings,
link to vendors, and make everything work together seamlessly.
If it seems complicated or there isn’t a lot of tech support,
then it might not be a good fit for your needs.

Full Automation

Most Amazon dropshipping tools offer some form of automation.
However, it is important to find one that really works well for
your situation. In some cases, you can find software that not
only sends orders automatically to the vendor but can also split
orders for different SKUs from multiple drop shipping companies.

Integrations with Other Programs

Another thing to look out for is the ability to integrate with
various other software programs. Most even include ways to link
your Shopify store, eBay profile, Amazon listings, and other
platforms all together seamlessly. Not only does this improve
your productivity, but it can also help you get more products
listed more quickly.

Amazon Drop Shipping Automation Software

As we previously mentioned, Amazon dropshipping automation is an
incredibly vital part of the software tool you select. After
all, the whole point in investing in this type of program is to
make the whole process easier to handle.

So, what should you be looking for specifically? Well, this is
really going to depend on your products, customers, and unique

For example, Amazon to eBay dropshipping software is helpful if
you sell on both platforms. This type of dropship automation can
make it much easier if you’re using Amazon’s warehousing
program, called Fulfilled by Amazon, to send orders out to eBay

Maybe you’re keeping it simple and just want orders to come in
from the Amazon customer to go directly to the vendor while
sending you a message to let you know the status. That’s an
option, too.

Then there are returns. When a product is returned by an Amazon
customer after being drop shipped, you’ll need to have a plan
for receiving the item. In this case, your automation tool can
make it easier to track every step of the process, from the time
the customer asks for a refund to the moment you have their
product back in your mailbox.

And that’s just a few small examples of how you can use this
type of Amazon dropshipping automation software to your
advantage. Whether you have one SKU or several thousand, using
this type of tool to stay organized and keep the workflow going
smoothly is incredibly important for your overall success.

What’s the best dropshipping software? While there are many
different options on the market, one of the most popular ones is
Ordoro. Not only can you link various platforms together to
create a seamless workflow, everything is designed for you to
tailor to your unique business. With our custom automation
rules, you can easily change settings to adapt to your specific
use case.

Best Drop Shipping Software

Finding the best dropshipping software for your particular needs
doesn’t have to be difficult. When you consider the features we’ve
mentioned above, there should be several options on the market that
stand out.

Finding the best dropshipping software for your particular needs doesn’t have to be difficult. When you consider the features we’ve mentioned above, there should be several options on the market that stand out.

However, you don’t want to choose an option that’s just ideal
for dropshipping. Make sure you’re selecting digital tools that
can help your business as you continue to grow.

Let’s say two years from now that this Amazon drop shipping gig
is going really well. You decide to take things a bit further
and open your own online store. You’ve worked out a great deal
with a few of your manufacturers and now have a warehouse where
you keep goods in addition to some products that you still

Instead of having to switch out your entire software program,
the right choice will give you the flexibility and functionality
to facilitate this new path. Best of all, it should include
enough options to make switching things up and taking new
opportunities easy without a ton of hassle.

Finding the right tool that allows you to evolve and grow is
absolutely crucial to your success as an entrepreneur and in
eCommerce as a whole. Make sure you’re being a little picky now
to make things a whole lot easier as you move into the future.

Of course, we’re pretty partial to Ordoro. Several of our
customers claim we’re the best dropshipping software for Amazon
on the market. But we would definitely love for you to try us
out for yourself.

Not only do we offer a wide range of fully customizable
automation features, but our team of eCommerce experts is also
always looking for exciting new ways to make our software even
more robust.

Ready to learn more? Please check out our Ordoro
pricing page for details now.