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Amazon is offering a 1 Month Free Trial of Audible Plus or Premium Plus Service for Free. After the 1 Month Trial membership, will automatically renew at $7.95/mo for Audible Plus or $14.95/month with Audible Premium Plus Subscription but you may cancel at anytime before the charge. Prime members get 2 titles free with Premium Plus trial.

Alternatively you can get the 4-Month Audible Premium Plus Membership for $5.95/Month.

With Premium Plus, you keep all the books you used your credit on, even if you cancel. One great perk is that you can exchange books for any reason while you have a membership. We sometimes use these promotions to rejoin and swap books we didn’t want.

Gift Idea. You can give a Premium Plus Audible Gift Subscription starting from $15.00. Best value is the 12-Month subscription for $150, which breaks down to $12.50 month.

We love Audible as it is a great way to “read” when you don’t have time. Listen to it while you commute, work out or sneak it while you can passively listen.

Audible offers more than 180,000 titles in their library and every title you select is yours to keep with or without an active membership. Their app is compatible with most smart devices and has received over 135,000 5-star ratings on IOS and Android.

  • 1 free audiobook download each month with Premium Plus
  • Exclusive member savings: get 30% off any additional audiobooks with Premium Plus
  • Choose from 180,000+ titles – your books are yours to keep
  • If you don’t like your book, you can exchange it for another