Amazon Brazil Package – TGW Travel Group

Sample Amazon Brazil Itinerary (Eco-Lodge):

Day 1: You will be picked up at the Manaus Airport and driven to your hotel in Manaus. Day/Night at leisure or ask your sales rep about additional excursions.

Day 2: Pick-up at 8:30am and taken to the Amazon Lodge. When you arrive, you will be welcomed with a drink. Once checked-in to your rooms, you will visit the Monkey Forest. Here you will enjoy a tour before returning to the lodge for lunch. In the afternoon enjoy a guided fishing excursion in paddle or motorized canoes to fish for piranhas or the catch of the season. Returning to the Lodge, you will enjoy dinner before departing on canoes to search for alligators. This evening during your time on the water, enjoy the nocturnal sounds of the jungle as you search for alligators, spotted because their eyes shine red in the dark. Once an alligator is spotted by the guide’s spotlight, he will try to catch a small alligator with his own hands and bring it on to the canoe, and a brief explanation of their habitat follows. The alligator will then be safely released back to the river. (No harm is done to any of the animals).

Day 3: This morning after breakfast you will depart for a tour of the Meeting of the Waters. Traveling by boat you will pass along the city of Manaus viewing the Amazonas Theatre and the Port of Manaus, arriving at your destination slightly before noon. The Meeting of the Waters is the merge of the Negro and Solimoes Rivers, from this point both rivers form to create the Amazon River that travels all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. The waters of the two rivers run side by side for approximately 12kms without mixing, creating an unusual and fascinating site.
Traveling along the newly formed Amazon River, you will reach the island ‘Terra Nova’ for lunch at a typical restaurant (not included in price). Dependent on the weather, you will also visit the island’s local village before returning to the lodge.

Day 4: This morning after breakfast you will enjoy a nature hike. The biodiversity surrounding the Ecopark is stunning and includes the virgin rainforest and natural savannahs. During the tour your local guide will point out the local flora and fauna, discussing with you how and where to find edible fruits, portable water and how to spot plants that can be used for medicinal purposes. Depending on the active level of the group, this hike can last between one and three hours. Returning to the lodge you will enjoy lunch before departing to the Manaus Airport.

*Keep in mind that this is only a sample itinerary and can change depending on the Amazon Lodge you choose as well as the number of nights you stay at the lodge. 2 to 3 nights is Recommended.

Sample Amazon Brazil Itinerary (Amazon Cruise):

Day 1:
Meet and greet at the airport in Manaus and taken to your hotel.

Day 2: 
At 2:30pm, you will depart from the Hotel Tropical landing stage. Immediately, an orientation meeting will take place where you will meet the staff, discuss the route that the trip will follow and be introduced to the facilities. Enjoy a welcome drink as the boat starts navigation past Manaus to the Xiborena region. Afterwards, you will go on a canoe trip to the smaller creeks to see life on the flood plains: jute, market-garden produce, rubber trees, as well as flood plain forest and lakes with giant water lilies (in season). You will return after sunset, so that you can observe nightlife, including caimans. Navigation continues up the Amazon (the upper part of it called Solimões by the natives) to lake Janauaca. Dinner on the way.

Day 3:
Depart early morning on a canoe trip for bird watching. There are good chances of seeing hoatzins and large flocks of egrets and cormorants. Return to the boat for breakfast. Afterwards, you will visit the inhabitants of the lake who live from manioc plantations, fishing, diverse fruit trees, rubber, Brazil-nut trees, wood and other extractive products. You will take a walk in the forest with commentaries by the specialist. Return to the boat for lunch and spend the afternoon relaxing on board while the boat continues its navigation. You will have the opportunity of fishing for piranhas and other types of fish. Dinner. After dinner, you will depart on a night trip to see nocturnal animals; you may be able to see a nighthawk, snakes, toro-rats, sloth and frogs. Overnight navigation downstream on the Amazon river.

Day 4:
Early this morning depart on a bird-watching trip in the Janauary Ecological Park and nearby waterways. The January Ecological Park unites several ecosystems of the region. The nine thousand hectare area contains terra firme , várzea , and igapó forests. Return to the boat for breakfast. And continue navigation to the Meeting of the Waters, the confluence of the Negro river and the Solimões river, an extraordinary natural spectacle. Here you will see the dark waters of the Negro river meet the light brown waters of the Solimões river and then flow side by side some 4 miles before intermingling. Continue navigation back to Manaus with views of the floating docks, market, old customhouse and houses on stilts, to the Hotel Tropical landing stage where you will arrive at 11:30am. Transfer to airport in Manaus. Home bound flight or proceed to your next destination.

*Keep in mind that this is only a sample itinerary and can change depending on the Amazon Cruise you choose as well as the number of nights you stay. Cruises can be from 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7 nights and they depart on specific days.