Amazon B2B Seller Consulting Services | Awesome Dynamic

Amazon B-to-B Business Is Not for Everyone

Some wholesalers, distributors and manufacturers that maintain their own eCommerce sites view the Amazon Business platform as a threat to their internal platforms and choose to remain independent of Amazon. Amazon does indeed have a track record for disrupting the scenarios of many of the marketplaces it enters, so their B2B eCommerce platform and all the categories within it may eventually follow suit.

That is precisely why other wholesalers, distributors and manufacturers flip that thinking, preferring to see the benefit of testing the Amazon waters now, as a parallel channel to their own eCommerce platforms.

Smaller businesses that have sidestepped Amazon in favor of their own eCommerce platforms may be wise to begin hedging their bets by establishing a firm foothold in both. According to an article published in Forbes, entitled Amazon’s Customer Loyalty Is Astounding, Pamela N. Danziger writes, “…rather than fighting it, which seems increasingly a losing proposition, maybe a better choice is to join it and see how it can help businesses reach new customers. As the saying goes, ‘Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.’” 

Those sellers going the dual-channel route may be well-positioned for success no matter which way the B2B eCommerce scales ultimately tip.

One thing is certain: As more millennials increasingly attain positions with buyer-seller decision-maker responsibilities, the tendency will be to go to large, trusted and familiar eCommerce marketplace platforms like Amazon to conduct business.

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