Airline pilot dress code |

Looks matter!

Uniforms are used by many professions to stand out from the crowd. While airlines require their staff to wear uniforms for branding, they also signal to the public the wearers additional training, and help convey a sense of security and professionalism.

Pilots are no exception, having one of the most easily recognisably uniforms. Alongside the uniform, airlines frequently have a strict dress code for pilots. Here we will take a look at pilot uniform standards, answering common questions such as can pilots have tattoos or beards?

Do pilots have to wear a uniform?

So, do commercial pilots have to wear a uniform? The answer is yes! For all airline pilots, their uniforms are a vital part of the job.

Not only do they look smart and professional, but they also play an important role in safety, as they make pilots instantly recognisable:

  • In the event of an evacuation, the pilots will be out on the tarmac — alongside the cabin crew — directing the passengers to the safest areas.
  • The uniform also signifies to everyone onboard the chain of command, ensuring that in emergencies, messages are passed on, and decisions taken by the most experienced crew member in that area.

American Airlines’ Tucker makes sure his hat is always with him. “Because if, God forbid, I have that day when I have to do an emergency evacuation on my aeroplane, part of my responsibility is to get passengers together and move them away from the plane. The hat is a visible symbol, and we know customers respond to authority,” said Tucker.

American Airlines Captain — Tucker

Appearances and uniform standards

Virtually every commercial airline will have uniform standards — rules on your written into the contract that you agree to abide by.

There are two reasons for this:

Reason 1

Airlines know that pilots and flight attendants are visible, and as a result of that, are an extension of their brand image.

Airline pilots come into contact with thousands of passengers, and while a video of the captain explaining the delay is unlikely to go viral — some PA’s do!

Airlines want their professionalism on show at all times.

Female pilot military camo uniformAirline pilot military uniformCommercial or military pilot? Most airline pilot dress codes stay close to the military origins.

Reason 2

Commercial airlines are descended from the military. Virtually all major legacy carriers began using ex-military pilots, and ex-military aircraft, with a golden period of commercial aviation described as being between WW1 and WW2.

As a result, there are many military themes that continue to run through commercial aviation, and uniform standards is one of them. The hierarchical structure, pilot uniform details — even the hats — all reflect the military background.

With military origins and an instantly recognisable role, it’s no wonder to see that there is a uniform wearers guide. Here’s a look at 4 commonly asked questions about pilot dress codes:

1 — Can pilots have tattoos?

Quick Answer: Yes, but they must be covered up on duty.

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While there are no specific rules against pilots having tattoos, most airlines do still have guidelines in place. In 2022, the majority of airlines still require that tattoos be covered while on duty.

Typically, airlines fall into three categories:

Visible tattoos allowed
A few airlines, such as Air New Zealand, allow all their staff to have visible tattoos while at work. A rule brought in at the end of 2019.

Tattoos allowed but must be covered
Most Airlines fall into this category, allowing pilot tattoos as long as they aren’t displayed on duty. Tattoos that are visible whilst wearing a pilot’s uniform are required to be covered, so pilots will need to wear long sleeved shirts, or use a simple bandage to cover the tattoo up, and can’t have face tattoos.

No tattoos allowed
While attitudes are slowly changing, there are still some airlines such as Air China, and Japan Airlines that do not employ pilots with tattoos. Full stop. Unfortunately, this is relatively strictly enforced, as these airlines often carry out their own in-house medical examination, and pilots will be required to declare any tattoos in the application process.

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2 — Can pilots have beards?

Quick Answer: Yes. (Patchy stubble is out, though!)

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This is a question that gets asked a lot! The short answer is yes, pilots can have beards. However, there are some standards that need to be followed.

Stemming from military guidelines, many airlines adopt and all-or-nothing approach, requiring pilots to either have a beard or be clean-shaven. If pilots do have beards, rules state that facial hair must be kept neat and trimmed.

This is less about appearance and more about safety. Smoke hoods are a vital piece of protective breath equipment, allowing pilots or flight attendants to fight fires and avoid smoke inhalation.
These hoods stop pilots breathing smoke by using a rubber seal around the neck to prevent smoke entering, and are the basis for the restrictions for bulky facial hair and unshaven necks!

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Commercial pilot beard and aviators

3 — Can pilots have piercings?

Quick Answer: No, only female pilots are allowed earrings.

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Virtually all airlines prohibit pilots from wearing any form of nose or facial piercing.

Interestingly, this part of the uniform standards seems to be the most restrictive, and some would argue, out of date. The only piercings allowed by most airlines are one matching pair of earrings, for female pilots only. Male pilots, you’re out of luck!

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4 — Do pilots have to wear hats?

Quick Answer: Not in the cockpit!

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Hats are a famous part of the pilot uniform, but they have become unfashionable recently. Some Airlines no longer require their pilots to wear hats in the summer or on domestic routes. Others make pilot hats optional, and many low-cost airlines — like Ryanair, EasyJet, or Spirit — have ditched pilot hats altogether.

One thing they all have in common, though, is that airline pilots do not stick to wearing hats in the cockpit. In fact, behind closed doors, uniform standards permit a relaxing of the rules. Many pilots stow their jackets, roll up shirt sleeves, remove ties, and definitely — definitely — take off the hat!

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Female pilot uniforms

Three differences!
In the early days of aviation, both male and female pilots wore identical uniforms. These uniforms were typically inspired by military uniforms, and they included items such as bomber jackets, cargo trousers, and boots.

When it comes to newer, commercial pilot uniforms, while each airline has their own slight variation, the basis of the pilot’s uniform remains largely the same and this is the case for both men and women. Female pilots will often have a few more options when it comes to their uniforms.

Notable differences include:

Female pilot uniform cravat vs tie


Wearing of a cravat rather than a tie — a wider neck covering that is more suited to blouses

Female pilot uniform skirt Vs trousers


Most airlines allow their female pilots to choose between wearing skirts or trousers

Female pilot heels Vs flat shoes


Heeled shoes, however there are restrictions on heel heights and designs, as pilots must be able to operate rudder pedals safely

Did you know?

While there are now a modest few differences in female pilot uniforms, it actually took a very long time for female pilots to be accepted in any uniform at all!

  • The United States didn’t have any female commercial airline pilots until 1934.
  • Finally, Helen Richey became the first female commercial airline pilot hired by an airline, joining Central Airlines in late 1934.
  • However, having a female airline pilot caused such an outrage among the all-male pilot union, that in less than 2 years she was forced to step down!
  • The US didn’t have another female commercial airline pilot at a scheduled carrier until Emily Howell Warner in 1976!

First female commercial airline pilot with old style pilot uniform


So, there you have it. A look at the airline pilot dress code and what is required of pilots when it comes to their uniforms. While female pilot uniforms may differ slightly from male pilot uniforms, it is subtle, and the overall look is still professional.

The rules also continue to change over time. So while airline pilots with tattoos would once be strictly banned, there are now several airlines — such as Virgin Atlantic or Air New Zealand — where visible tattoos are absolutely fine.

Ultimately, individual airlines decide what their dress code is for pilots, and attitudes to what is acceptable differ around the world. As a result, having a beard, tattoos, or piercings doesn’t necessarily mean not working as a pilot, but it may limit potential airlines you can work for.

What do you think about airline pilot dress codes? Should they be relaxed, or should pilots retain the clean-shaven ex-military look and hats that the profession was once known for? We’d love to hear from you.