Added swagger UI on my express app but POST req body is not editable

Hi Below is swagger code for API endpoint for post request. I can see the BODY in swagger UI but when I click on try it now I cannot edit request body.
Below is my code

* @swagger
* /foods:
*   post:
*     summary: Creates a food item
*     consumes: application/json
*     parameters:
*       - in: body
*         type: object
*         properties:
*           ITEM_ID:
*               type: string
*           ITEM_NAME:
*               type: string
*           ITEM_UNIT:
*               type: string
*           COMPANY_ID:
*               type: string
*     responses:
*       201:
*         description: Created
*       400:
*         description: Bad Request
*       500:
*         description: Internal Server Error
*/'/foods',[check('ITEM_ID').not().isEmpty().trim(), check('ITEM_NAME').not().isEmpty().trim(), check('ITEM_UNIT').not().isEmpty().trim(), check('COMPANY_ID').not().isEmpty().trim()], async (req,res) => {
    let connection; 
    const errors = validationResult(req);
        return res.status(400).json({errors: errors.array()});
        try {
            connection = await pool.getConnection();
            var itemID = req.body.ITEM_ID;
            var itemName = req.body.ITEM_NAME;
            var itemUnit = req.body.ITEM_UNIT;
            var companyID = req.body.COMPANY_ID;

            var sql = `INSERT INTO foods (ITEM_ID, ITEM_NAME, ITEM_UNIT, COMPANY_ID) VALUES ('${itemID}', '${itemName}', '${itemUnit}','${companyID}')`;
            var rows = await connection.query(sql);
        } finally{
                return connection.release();

Below is my swagger init code where I set the URL and other settings. Is there way I can make the req body editable. My POST api works fine with postman.

const options = {
    swaggerDefinition: {
      info: {
        title: 'API',
        description:'Sample DB CRUD Operations API',
        version: '1.0.0',
      host: '<host>:3000',
    apis: ['./server.js'], // files containing annotations as above
const specs = swaggerJsDoc(options);

app.use('/docs', swaggerUi.serve, swaggerUi.setup(specs));