7 Airport and Air Travel Vocabulary and Language Exercises

Airport and Air Travel Language and Speaking Skills Exercises and Worksheets

1 Elements of flying and flight service listening/speaking/ vocabulary worksheet

This is an English language listening, speaking and vocabulary exercise introducing and exploring the language and vocabulary of flying and flight service.

Elements of flying and flight service (PDF)

(see the YouTube video)


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2 Flight attendant sentence starters

Sentence starter (or complete the sentence) exercises are a good way to introduce, practice and review the language of flight attendants.

(download PDF)

3 Airline passenger requests and complaints

Flight attendants have to to respond to many requests and complaints. This is a listening comprehension exercise focusing on passenger – flight attendant conversational exchanges.

(download PDF)

4 Asking for information: airport dialogues worksheet (with possible answers)

This is an English language exercise introducing and exploring airport language and vocabulary. Students try to complete the dialogues with their own ideas.

Asking for information: airport dialogues(PDF)

5 “Elements of the  airport” vocabulary worksheet (with answers)

This is an English language exercise introducing and exploring the language and vocabulary used in modern airports.  The vocabulary includes:

checking flight information, heading to boarding gates, passport control, collecting luggage, carousel, self service, check in, hand luggage, scanning luggage, self service check in, boarding pass

Students try to match the vocabulary with the appropriate pictures.

Elements of the airport (PDF)

(see the YouTube video)


6 “At the Airport” vocabulary (with answers) worksheet

This is a basic and elementary  English language exercise introducing and exploring the language and vocabulary of  airports. Students try to match the vocabulary with the appropriate pictures.

At the airport: vocabulary (PDF)


5 Complaints and Annoyances Speaking and Language Exercises

6 ESL Exercises and Worksheets for Talking about Cities

7 Terrific Transportation, Traveling and Getting Around Language Exercises

8 Excellent ESL Teaching Exercises for Houses and Housing


7 Essential airport vocabulary worksheet

This is a fun way to introduce the language and vocabulary for talking about airport and travel to English language learners. Pictures help to stimulate students’ minds and engage their interest quickly. This English language exercise introduces  essential airport vocabulary. The teacher can dictate the words from Page 2 of the PDF in random order or give the students Page 3 and tell them to try to match the vocabulary for the ingredients to the pictures.

Essential airport vocabulary lesson(PDF)

Food, Restaurants and Cooking Home

10 Food, Eating and Restaurant Vocabulary and Speaking Exercises

8  Hotel Vocabulary and Speaking Skills Exercises

7 Kitchen and Cooking Vocabulary and Expressions 

5 Intercultural Communication Language Exercises and Worksheets

5 Cool Advertising & Branding Vocabulary & Language Exercises


8 Travel by air problems vocabulary and speaking worksheet

“Travel by air problems”  introduces and explores the language and vocabulary of travel problems and complaints. Students try to match the vocabulary with the appropriate pictures. This can be followed up by a peaking activity in which students have to explain what is happening in each of the pictures.

Travel Problems (PDF)

Other resources

Sentence starters

Import export and supply chain exercises

Writing Topic sentences

Daily routines, schedules and other present simple listening speaking activities

Comparative adjectives Pronunciation exercises

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