5 Obligations of Parents to Children, Did You Know? – Whiz

Obligations of Parents towards Children – Family is the first scope for children to know the world. Parents have an important role in the development of children. Therefore, parents have an obligation to children so that children grow well physically, mentally, and socially.

Then, what can be done to fulfill the obligations of parents to their children? Check out the following article, come on!

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5 Obligations of Parents to Children

In Indonesia, the obligations of parents to children are regulated in Law No. 35 of 2014. In article 26 of the law, the obligations of parents include four things, namely:

  • Nurturing, nurturing, protecting, and educating children
  • Growing children according to their abilities, interests and talents
  • Preventing children from getting married at an early age
  • Provide character and character education for children.

What is the real evidence of the obligations of parents in the family? see the following explanation, come on!

1. Show Love and Affection

Parental Obligations to Children

Parents must show love and affection for their children. By giving love and affection, children will feel protected. In addition, love can strengthen the bond between parents and children.

Showing love for children can be done by providing time to play, listen to stories, and teach good things to children. Spending time with children will strengthen the parental bond. In addition, parents can also see the development and growth of children.

By receiving love from parents, children will learn how to express their feelings and can help build healthy relationships with other people.

2. Teaching Religious and Social Values

The obligation of parents to children is to introduce religious and social values. Parents must instill religious values in their children, teach them how to worship, read the holy book, and practice religious values as a guide for their lives.

Parental Obligations to Children

In addition, the family is the first environment for children. Parents must teach children social education so that children can live in society. Social values that must be taught to children, such as helping each other, maintaining cleanliness, not making noise, and respecting each other.

Religious and social education is the first education that parents must teach their children.

3. Shaping the Child’s Personality

Children will grow according to what their parents taught them. Therefore, parents must be able to instill good moral values in their children. Giving children examples of good behavior can shape the child’s personality to be good.

For more details on the role of parents in shaping a child’s personality or character, you can read the article here!!

4. Helping Children Grow Independently

Parental Obligations to Children

One of the obligations of parents is to help children grow independently. Over time, children will enter the community. Children will socialize with people around them. Therefore, children must be taught to live independently.

Parents can teach their children age-appropriate skills, such as how to tie shoes, write, read, control emotions, and defend themselves.

5. Developing Children’s Potential

Every child must have the potential or ability that stands out. Every child has something he wants to master. Parents must give children the opportunity to develop their potential.

If a child wants to learn basketball or soccer, parents must support what they want. You can register a club or buy them equipment. You can also learn and play with children.

The important thing for parents is not to demand that children fulfill their parents’ wishes, but to ask them to give their best according to their efforts.

Also Read: 7 Roles of Parents during Adolescence

By knowing the obligations of parents to children, parents are expected to be able to provide the best for their child’s growth.

For children’s financial education, parents can use the Whiz Financial App., you know. With this application, children will learn to manage their own finances. In addition, there is an Assignment feature that can be made by parents as a child’s learning media. Parents can also give rewarding on the child’s efforts, you know. Interesting right?