30 Best TV Sitcoms List – Stream the Best Sitcoms of All Time

We’re always in search of the next big hit on TV, but sometimes, all we really want to do is curl up on the couch and spend the evening with one of the best TV sitcoms of all time. And everyone deserves to do that from time to time!

While they’re certainly not new, shows like Seinfeld, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Friends are as reliable as a childhood friend—you might not have seen them in a while, but the minute you do, it’s just like old times, and they’re as fun and lovable as ever. Maybe you’re a Cheers fanatic, or you can recite every major moment from I Love Lucy. If you’re like Ree Drummond, you probably find yourself dreaming of Gilligan’s Island reruns. The good news is that none of us have to wait long for these old hits: We can stream everything on this list anytime we want.

Some of the best sitcoms come with a little drama (remember that line “We were on a break!”), but most of the time they keeping us laughing at every turn. Whether you watch these in the background while you cook, or settle in for a whole season in one sitting, you’ll find yourself smiling and remembering good times!