18″ Doll Outfits and Accessories as low as $5 {Fits American Girl} – My Frugal Adventures


If your little ones received new dolls over the holidays, there is a nice sale on doll clothes. Zulily has 18″ doll outfits and accessories starting at $4.99.

I saw lots of little shoes, coats, outfits and more! I love this dance set for $14.99. They also have sleeping bags for $7. We have an American Girl Sleepover party coming up and this would be darling.


Click here to start shopping at Zulily.  Note: Shipping is typically about $6 and then you get free shipping the rest of the day.  It is best to buy one thing (to get the lower shipping cost) and you can come back and buy more items with free shipping.

*Sometimes if you are a new customer they will indicate the sale hasn’t started yet.  It has but if you find that to be the case, try using this link and see if that works for you.