16 Famous Russian Actors & Actresses (with Video Extracts)

Famous Russian Actors and Actresses || Our Top 16

Russian Actors & Actresses You Should Know About

Are you a huge fan of Russian cinema? Do you enjoy watching movies or shows in which the characters speak your target language?

Lex the Lion

If so, then learning about some of Russia’s most famous actors and actresses is an absolute must.

From the infallible Vladimir Mashkov to the elegant Ekaterina Vilkova, these incredible stars have charmed viewers all around the world with their performances in classic films such as Burnt by the Sun, Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears, The Irony of Fate, and television shows like American Sin (Американская Грех).

We have a total of 16 Russian actors and actresses to introduce you to so let’s jump right in.

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Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Vladimir Mashkov

Vladimir Mashkov is one of the biggest and well-known Russian actors of them all.

He is an acclaimed Russian actor who achieved fame and recognition for his performance in the 1994 Academy Award-winning film Burnt By The Sun.

He has also starred in successful television shows such as I’m Losing You (Я тебя теряю), American Sin (Американская Грех) and My Fair Nanny (Моя прекрасная нянька).

His career spans more than three decades and he has won numerous awards, including a People’s Artist of Russia award.

Another film you’ll find Mashkov in is The Thief which you can see an extract from in the below video.

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Владимир Машков

“The Thief” 1997

Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Ekaterina Vilkova

Ekaterina Vilkova is one of Russia’s most popular actresses.

She has starred in several hit films and television shows, such as Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears (Москва не верит в слёзы), The Irony Of Fate (Ирония судьбы) and Club (Клуб).

Vilkova has an impressive number of movies to her name and has been actively on Russian screens since 2005.

Vilkova has received a number of awards for her performances, including the prestigious Nika Award and the Golden Eagle Award.

DID YOU KNOW || In 2010, Vilkova also starred in the video for the song “You Know” by Alexander Lominsky.

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Екатери́на Вилко́в

Ekaterina Vilkova in action

Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Danila Kozlovsky

Danila Kozlovsky is an actor and director whose work has been recognized all over the world.

He is best known for his performances in Russian films such as Yolki (Ёлки), Vampire Academy (Вампирская Академия), and Viking (Викинг).

Kozlovsky has also directed several television shows and movies, including the popular series Kitchen (Кухня).

One of Kozlovsky’s recent hit films was the comedy film Young Man (Молодой человек), which you can see an extract from below.

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Данила Козловский

Young Man (Молодой человек) starring Kozlovsky

Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Chulpan Khamatova

Chulpan Khamatova is an actress who has been nominated for several awards, including the Golden Globe.

She is best known for her performances in films such as Good Bye Lenin (До свидания ленин) and The Island (Остров).

Khamatova has also starred in a number of television shows and theater productions.

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Чулпан Хаматова

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Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Artur Smolyaninov

Artur Smolyaninov is a popular Russian actor and director who has starred in numerous films, television shows and theatre productions.

DID YOU KNOW || Smolyaninov’s cinematic debut was early, at the tender age of 14 when he starred in the 1998 film Who, if Not We.

He is best known for his roles in The Edge (Край) and the sitcom Kariera Nikodima Dyagileva (Карьера Никодимы Дягилева).

Smolyaninov has also directed several movies, including the critically acclaimed Coming Home (Возвращение домой).

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Арту́р Смольяни́нов

Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Svetlana Khodchenkova

Svetlana Khodchenkova is an actress and model who has appeared in numerous films and television shows.

She is best known for her roles in films such as Wanted (Особо опасен), The Wolverine (Росомаха), and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Шпион, который меня соблазнил).

You can see more from Wanted in the video below where she plays a starring role.

Khodchenkova has won several awards, including a People’s Artist of Russia award.

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Светла́на Хо́дченкова

Wanted (2008) starring Khodchenkova

Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Konstantin Khabensky

Konstantin Khabensky is an actor who has appeared in numerous films and television shows, including Night Watch (Ночной Дозор), Day Watch (Дневной Дозор) and Kukly (Куклы).

He has also starred in a number of theatre productions and is a popular voice actor as well.

As with many of our other Russian actors and actresses, Khabensky has received numerous awards for his work, including the prestigious Nika Award.

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Константин Хабенский

Khabensky in the Russian hit film Day Watch (Дневной Дозор)

Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Julia Peresild

Julia Peresild is an actress who has achieved success in both the film and television industries.

For her debut on the big screen, she played Natasha Kublakova in the 2003 television series Land.

Since then she has been a staple on Russian TV.

She is best known for her performances in films such as The Fortress (Крепость), War (Война), and Stalingrad (Сталинград).

Peresild won the People’s Artist of Russia award.

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Юлия Пересильд

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Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Sergey Bodrov Jr.

Sadly our 9th entry on our list is no longer with us after passing away in 2002 at the young age of just 30.

Despite this, Sergey Bodrov Jr. still made a huge impact in his career and is fondly remembered by Russians.

He starred in popular films such as The Brother (Брат) and Mongol (Монгол).

Sergey also directed several critically acclaimed movies, including East/West (Восток-Запад), My Stepbrother Frankenstein (Мой Свекровь Франкенштейн) and Wolfhound of the Grey Hound Clan (Волкодав из племени серых псов).

Perhaps fittingly, he died doing what he loved, making movies.

Sergey was sadly involved in a rock ice slide at the end of the second day of shooting of his film The Messenger in which over 100 people sadly lost their lives.

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Сергей Бодров

The Brother (Брат) starring the late Sergey Bodrov Jr.

Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Vladimir Vdovichenkov

Vladimir Vdovichenkov is an actor who has starred in numerous films and television shows, including The Geographer Drank His Globe Away (Географ глобус пропил) and Leviathan (Левиафан).

He has also won numerous awards for his performances, including the Golden Eagle Award.

Like Khabensky, Vdovichenkov is a popular voice actor and has been nominated for the People’s Artist of Russia award.

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Влади́мир Вдовиче́нков

Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Alexander Abdulov

Another posthumous entry here.

Alexander Abdulov was a Russian actor who has starred in numerous films and television shows, including The Irony of Fate (Ирония судьбы) and Godunov (Годунов).

Abdulov was a heavy smoker and was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2007. He sadly passed away less than a year later.

His last public outing in December 2007 saw him receive the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, 4th class.

Abdulov enjoyed several successful theatre roles and was highly regarded as an accomplished voice actor.

DID YOU KNOW || Abdulov had a long and tense relationship with the mass media. He was outspoken in his views of the tabloids, resenting all false information published about him.

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Алекса́ндр Абду́лов

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Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Sergey Bezrukov

Sergey Bezrukov is another popular Russian actor who has appeared in numerous films, television shows, and theatre productions.

He is best known for his performances in films such as Seven Sins (Семь грехов), Chekhovian Motifs (Чеховские мотивы) and I’m Not That Smart (Я не такой умный).

Below you can see an extract from the aforementioned Seven Sins.

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Серге́й Безру́ков

Seven Sins (Семь грехов)

Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Andrey Panin

Andrey Panin is the 3rd actor on our list who has passed away 😔

Panin died at the age of 50 but he still starred in numerous films, television shows, and theatre productions.

Perhaps he is best known for his performances in films such as The Duel (Дуэль), Assa (Асса), and Khrustalyov My Car! (Хрусталёв мой автомобиль!).

Panin won multiple awards for his work, including the prestigious Nika Award.

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Андре́й Па́нин

Assa (Асса) starring Andrey Panin

Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Ksenia Rappoport

Ksenia Rappoport is an actress who has achieved success in both the film and television industries.

She is best known for her performances in films such as The Italian (Итальянец), Forget About Me (Забудь обо мне) and Loveless (Нелюбимый).

Rappoport also starred in the Italian films La sconosciuta (in 2006), L’uomo che ama (in 2008) and in the Golden Lion nominated movie La doppia ora (2009)

DID YOU KNOW || She won the Volpi Cup for Best Actress at the 66th Venice Film Festival for her performance in La doppia ora.

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Ксе́ния Раппопо́рт

Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Renata Litvinova

Renata Litvinova is an actress, screenwriter and film director with a big Instagram following!

Over a million hit the follow buttom on her account showing her popularity amongst not just Russians, but many around the globe.

She is best known for her work in films such as Saunter (Сантиметр в секунду) and The Stroll (Гулянка).

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Рената Литвинова

Famous Russian Actors & Actresses || Evgeniy Stychkin

Evgeniy Stychkin is an actor who has starred in popular films and television shows, including Gorko! (Горько!), Rzhevsky Against Napoleon (Ржевский против Наполеона) and Liquidation (Ликвидация).

Stychkin, like many of the above, has won numerous awards for his work, including the prestigious Nika Award.

NAME IN RUSSIAN || Евгений Стычкин

Stychkin starred in Gorko! (Горько!)

There’s your 16 top Russian actors and actresses.

Did we miss out your favourite? Let us know in the comments below who your favourites are.

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Russian Actors & Actresses || FAQs

Who is one of the most famous Russian actors?

Vladimir Mashkov is one of the biggest and well-known Russian actors of them all.

He is an acclaimed Russian actor who achieved fame and recognition for his performance in the 1994 Academy Award-winning film Burnt By The Sun.

He has also starred in successful television shows such as I’m Losing You (Я тебя теряю), American Sin (Американская Грех) and My Fair Nanny (Моя прекрасная нянька).

What films has Danila Kozlovsky starred in?

He is best known for his performances in Russian films such as Yolki (Ёлки), Vampire Academy (Вампирская Академия), and Viking (Викинг).

Kozlovsky has also directed several television shows and movies, including the popular series Kitchen (Кухня).

One of Kozlovsky’s recent hit films was the comedy film Young Man (Молодой человек), which you can see an extract from below.

How did Alexander Abdulov die?

Abdulov was a heavy smoker and was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2007. He sadly passed away less than a year later.

His last public outing in December 2007 saw him receive the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, 4th class.

What are some films starring Svetlana Khodchenkova?

She is best known for her roles in films such as Wanted (Особо опасен), The Wolverine (Росомаха), and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Шпион, который меня соблазнил).

What films did Sergey Bodrov Jr star in?

He starred in popular films such as The Brother (Брат) and Mongol (Монгол).

Sergey also directed several critically acclaimed movies, including East/West (Восток-Запад), My Stepbrother Frankenstein (Мой Свекровь Франкенштейн) and Wolfhound of the Grey Hound Clan (Волкодав из племени серых псов).

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