15 Funny Quotes About Work to Get You Through the Day

For most people, one of the givens of life is that we all, at some point, have to have a job, in one form or another. Whether you’re a banker, a teacher, a salesperson, or a caregiver, our weekdays are typically filled with the stresses of work life. And while some may say that they’re lucky enough to have found a job that they love so much, it never truly feels like they’re working, the majority of us are out there dealing with stressful coworkers and trying to decide whether it’s worth using up a sick day so that you can avoid that three hour-long meeting and nap instead. And while you could do that, another way to deal is by finding some humor in the thick of it all with these funny quotes about work.

Let these hilarious quotes about work — straight from the mouths of well-known names like Robert Frost, Albert Einstein, and even Homer Simpson — bring a smile to your face.