1343 Latest And Unique American Baby Names With Meanings

heart imageheart image Aace heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

The word aace in America means Unity, it also implies to luck and excellence

heart imageheart image Abcde heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Means first five amazing letters of alphabet

heart imageheart image Abeque heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

A person who loves to stay at home

heart imageheart image Abriella heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

One who is derived from God or the pillar of strength

heart imageheart image Aby heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Father of multitude or masses

heart imageheart image Acalan heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

A small narrow and long rowing boat

heart imageheart image Acamapichtli heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

A handful of reeds or long grass

heart imageheart image Adaline heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

A noble or kind-hearted person

heart imageheart image Addisyn heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

The son of Addie or Adam

heart imageheart image Adica heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

The mother’s choice

heart imageheart image Aerilyn heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

The beautiful or pleasant air

heart imageheart image Aiyanna heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Eternal blossom, Everlasting Bloom

heart imageheart image Aj heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Combination of Letters A and J; powerful and complete

heart imageheart image Ajarae heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

A made up name, name of an actor

heart imageheart image Alivia heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Alivia is Olive Tree

heart imageheart image Allston heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Noble One’s Settlement

heart imageheart image Almanzo heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

The explanation given by Laura Ingalls Wilder for her husband, Almanzo’s, name is that it was derived from an Arabian benefactor to his ancestors by the name of Al-Mansour, meaning ‘the victorious’. An alternative derivation is of Old German origin, meani

heart imageheart image Alpha heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

An excellent firstborn child with leadership and chieftian qualities

heart imageheart image Alvin heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

A noble companion and friend loved by all having a independent, resourceful and practical attitude

heart imageheart image Alyson heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Adaptable, adventurous being who are noble and honest seeking freedom

heart imageheart image Amberleigh heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

The one who is immortal and has a friendly, poised and affectionate nature

heart imageheart image Ameera heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

A leader, a princess by birth who is prosperous and at the top of a tree

heart imageheart image Amelia heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

The one who is industrious, hard working and fertile

heart imageheart image Amelie heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

A mighty hard working defender

heart imageheart image Angelos heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

They are charming angels of God sent from heaven

heart imageheart image Annis heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

The holy one who is pure

heart imageheart image Annissa heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

A true compannion who is pure and charming

heart imageheart image Anson heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

The son of God; he is very strong and a famous bearer

heart imageheart image Antoinette heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Queen of France; beautiful flower

heart imageheart image Aria heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

The one who is Lion of the Lords; Air, Song or Melody

heart imageheart image Armando heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Great warrior and a happy army man

heart imageheart image Arnold heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Strong like an eagle

heart imageheart image Arvin heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Friend to all; a friend of the Eagle

heart imageheart image Astghik heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

American name derived from astgh which means a little star

heart imageheart image Auner heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

An adventurous; they are sophisticated beings

heart imageheart image Auria heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Soft wind; aura of positivity

heart imageheart image Auriar heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Cold and gentle breeze filled with music

heart imageheart image Austen heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

One who has a great and magnificient personality

heart imageheart image Ava heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

A bird; a living organism of the ecosystem

heart imageheart image Avabelle heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

One who has a beautiful live; breathing in life

heart imageheart image Averi heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

A strong-witted individual who is ambitious

heart imageheart image Aydan heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

One who is born out of fire; impusive

heart imageheart image Ayden heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Determined; one who is bron out of fire

heart imageheart image Bailei heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

A warrant officer of a judge

heart imageheart image Banner heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

A colonial origin, Banner meaning ‘Flag’

heart imageheart image Banning heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Small and Fair; One who Reads the Banns; Blond Child; Small Fair One or Son of the Fair One

heart imageheart image Barbi heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Traveler from a Foreign Land; In Catholic Custom St Barbara is a Protectors Against Fire and Lightning; Strange; Foreign

heart imageheart image Barbie heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Derived From Barbara; traveler from a foreign land

heart imageheart image Bard heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Poet; Minstrel; A Singer-poet; One who Sings Ballads

heart imageheart image Bardalph heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Ax Wolf

heart imageheart image Bardan heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Lives Near the Boar’s Den; From the

heart imageheart image Barden heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Lives Near the Boar’s Den; Boar’s Den

heart imageheart image Bardene heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

From the Boar Valley

heart imageheart image Bardo heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Variant of Bartholomew; Son of the Earth

heart imageheart image Bardon heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Minstrel; Singer-poet; Barley Valley

heart imageheart image Barlow heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Lives on the Bare Hill; Place Name; The Bare Hillside

heart imageheart image Barnet heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Of Honorable Birth; From the Land That was Burned

heart imageheart image Barnett heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Leader; From the Land That was Burned; Noble Man

heart imageheart image Barnum heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

From the Nobleman’s Home

heart imageheart image Barret heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Brave as a Bear; Variant of Barnett; Bear-strength

heart imageheart image Barric heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Grain Farm

heart imageheart image Barrick heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Grain Farm,A barley farm

heart imageheart image Barrie heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Lives at the Barrier; Fair-haired; From the Land That was Burned; Sharp; Pointed; Bear-strength

heart imageheart image Barron heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Warrior; The Title of Nobility Used as a First Name; From the Land That was Burned

heart imageheart image Bartel heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

From the Barley Farm; Farmer’s Son; Son of Talmai

heart imageheart image Barthram heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Illustrious; Glorious Raven

heart imageheart image Bartleah heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

From Bart’s Meadow

heart imageheart image Bartleigh heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

From Bart’s Meadow

heart imageheart image Bartley heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

From the Birch Tree Meadows; Son of Talmai; Son of the One who Abounds in Furrows

heart imageheart image Bartram heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Glorious Raven; Bright Raven

heart imageheart image Barwolf heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Ax Wolf

heart imageheart image Bates heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Variant of Bartholomew

heart imageheart image Beacher heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Lives by the Beech Tree

heart imageheart image Beachy heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Diminutive of Beacher

heart imageheart image Beal heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Attractive, good looking, beautiful

heart imageheart image Beale heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Handsome, attractive, fine looking

heart imageheart image Beaman heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Beekeeper, From a beautiful hill

heart imageheart image Beamer heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Trumpet Player

heart imageheart image Beceere heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Lives by the Beech Tree

heart imageheart image Becki heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Bound; Captivating; Abbreviation of Rebecca

heart imageheart image Beckie heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Captivating; Bound; Form of Rebecca; Tied; Joined

heart imageheart image Bede heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Prayer; Name of a Historian

heart imageheart image Beecher heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Lives by the Beech Tree; Place Name

heart imageheart image Begona heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Lady of Begona

heart imageheart image Beldan heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Lives in the Beautiful Glen

heart imageheart image Beldane heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Lives in the Beautiful Valley

heart imageheart image Beldene heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Lives in the Most Beautiful Valley

heart imageheart image Beldon heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Lives in the Beautiful Glen; Child of the Unspoiled Glen; Place Name; Pretty Valley

heart imageheart image Belen heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Bethlehem; An Arrow

heart imageheart image Bemelle heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Strong as a Bear

heart imageheart image Benecroft heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

From the Bean Field

heart imageheart image Benjamen heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Son of the Right Hand

heart imageheart image Benjen heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Benjen is Created Name

heart imageheart image Benjiman heart image heart image baby boy signbaby boy sign

Son of the Right Hand