13 Best Chest and Triceps Workout for Bodybuilding (Home & Gym)

Health and fitness are not trends you follow, they are a way of life. Staying fit and leading a healthy life should be everyone’s goals. Adding to this, many people also wish to build muscles and strengthen their bodies inside-out. Who doesn’t like a good chest and tricep workout to help build massive muscles and increase upper body strength? 

Working out to build muscles is one of the best ways to stay in shape and build muscles. If you are looking for the best chest and tricep workout, then you have landed at the right place. This article will look at a list of 13 chest and triceps workouts you can do in the gym and at home to build muscles.


Push out yourself from the mere muscle workouts and get your boots on into something more strenuous and effective. Maybe a duo of chest and triceps. Chest and triceps workouts increase your muscle strength and endurance in triceps. So sweat it out with us to put on those little bumps in your arms and wings in your chests.

Chest and triceps workouts are highly effective, hard as well as time-saving, at one point. The need to spend extra time doing both workouts separately is not indeed necessary now. Chest and triceps workout for mass and strength is on trend now to build up your strong muscles.

The Best Chest And Tricep Exercises

In this article, we will look at the chest and triceps exercises you must do to build your body the way you want. Here is a list of the chest and triceps workouts and exercises we will discuss in this article:

S. No.
How It Helps

Barbell bench press
Increases upper body strength

Incline dumbbell fly
Chest development

Diamond pushups
Targets the triceps

Overhead dumbbell triceps extension
Strengthening of the triceps

Dumbbell skull crushers
Adds mass to the triceps

Bar dips
Adds muscle mass to the upper body

Cable cross over
Targets the muscles of the bottom of the chest

Bench dips
Strengthens the triceps and the chest

Triceps cable rope pushdowns
Tones your arms

Incline dumbbell press
Develops the upper portion of the pectoral muscles

Oblique twists
Improves posture and balance

Decline situps
Strengthens the chest

Leg raises
Improves muscle endurance

13 Best Chest And Triceps Workout To Build Massive Muscles

Building massive muscles is a dream for many fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders. The best chest and tricep workout will help you gain more muscles and strengthen your muscles. Working on a complementary muscle group will help you save time and also allow you to train both muscles without having to warm up twice. Working out and maintaining a proper diet can help you achieve the body and physique of your dreams. In this section, we will look at the list of chest and tricep exercises you can do at home or at the gym to gain more muscles and strengthen your body. 

  1. Barbell Bench Press

barbell bench press

Triceps are crucial synergists. This bench press is the best chest and triceps workout that any beginner can stick to.

How to do:-
  • Initially, lie back on a flat bench
  • Now lift the barbell straight overhead with your arms locked.
  • Inhale and slowly bring down the barbell to your middle chest
  • After a pause, exhale and push it up back to the initial position
  • Repeat for 9 reps.
  • Always focus on your chest muscles and strain your triceps (without hurting yourself) while doing the workout

Equipment Required:

  1. Incline Dumbbell Fly

An incline dumbbell fly puts more accentuation on your upper chest and the triceps, which makes it strong and massive.

How to do:-
  • In an inclined bench of 45 degrees, seat at the edge with two weights in an overhand hold
  • Planting your feet firmly on the ground, lie back on the bench and bring back the dumbbell to each side of your middle torso
  • Now get back to the initial position and repeat for 8 reps

Equipment Required:

  1. Diamond Push Ups

Push-ups are common workouts to strengthen your abs and body strength. But diamond push-ups are an advanced version which is often a chest and triceps workout. This workout allows your shoulder blades to move freely. It strains your abs and also gives your chest the functional strength it needs.

How to do:-
  • Lie face down in your plank position.
  • Slightly move your hands and place it under the chest
  • Now spread your fingers into making a diamond shape
  • Maintaining your back straight, bend your elbows and go down until your chest touches the ground
  • Return back to the initial position after a pause.
  • Repeat the same for 10 to 12 reps of 4 sets

  1. Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension

This expansion workout is one among the chest and triceps workout for mass and strength of your muscles. This intense exercise puts your triceps on the limelight. It is very feasible and can be done either by standing, sitting or even resting posture.

How to do:-
  • Sit or be in a comfortable position and then hold a weight in front of you with both hands
  • With extended arms, push the weight overhead
  • Bend your elbows and slowly bring down the weight behind your head
  • Pause for 1 to 2 seconds, now get your arms straight and get the weight back to the initial position.
  • Continue for 8 reps each

Equipment Required:

  1. Dumbbell Skull Crushers

To get those bumps on your arms is not an easy task. But not surely a daunting one if you are ready to sweat it out. Confining yourself to triceps pushdowns and variations will never work. Dumbbell skull crushers is a chest and triceps workout which is hard, but easier, if ready to work and effective too.

How to do:-
  • Maintain the exact position of a bench press, with feet, pulled in and flat on the floor.
  • Squeeze the shoulder blades together
  • Opt for a suitable dumbbell or weight according to your strength and keep the wrists neutral throughout
  • Raise your arms fully extended with a slight lean towards the head.
  • The hands with the dumbbell should be in line with your mouth
  • Now after a minimal pause at the top with an ensured balance, smoothly bring it down to the initial position

Equipment Required:

  1. Bar Dips

Bar dips can be altered for improving your chest muscles along with your triceps.

How to do:-
  • Lean forward about 90 degree
  • Lower the body more, than your normal triceps dips until chest is even with the bars
  • Firmly hold the grip on the bar with both the hands
  • Now push up your body straight, as though your hands balance your body weight
  • Lean forward for 45 degrees
  • Lower yourself, keeping your hips straight
  • Continue for 12 reps.
  • Keep in mind, your chest drops forward as your elbows move back

Equipment Required:

  1. Cable Cross Over

It is considered as the be all and end all of the chest builders. Along with bulking up your chest, this workout strengthens triceps to give the strength it needs.

How to do:-
  • For the initial position, place the pulleys above your head
  • Select accurate resistance band and hold it in each hand
  • Now pulling your arms together in front of you, step forward in front of an imaginary line, between both pulleys, which will be your starting position
  • Bending your elbows, a bit, extend your arms straight out to both sides
  • Feel the stress in your chest and inhale
  • The movement should occur only at the shoulder joints and not at the arms and torso
  • Exhale and return back to the initial position.
  • Hold and repeat

Equipment Required:

  1. Bench Dips

These are muscle strengthening exercise that adds real mass to your triceps.

How to do:-
  • Keep a bench behind your back
  • Hold on to the bench with a firm grip with your arms straight and hands shoulder width apart
  • Squeeze your glutes and core as well as raise your chin and chest, so that the body is tight
  • Start the move by dipping down, by bending the elbows
  • Pause for few seconds
  • Now keeping the core and glutes firmly, initiate the press back powerfully using your triceps to bring the torso up
  • Repeat for 3 sets of 8 to 1 dip
  • Let your upper arms rest for a few days, because once you are at the 3rd set you will be in a position where you can’t dip! But this is the best chest and triceps workout to improve your muscle mass

Equipment Required:

  1. Tricpes Cable Rope Push Downs

Triceps cable rope pushdowns are the best to sculpt up your muscles in your muscle building regime. It specifically targets the triceps and also strains your chest muscles to form massive muscles.

How to do:-
  • In a cable machine, hook up a two-handled rope attachment
  • Set the pulley around shoulder height
  • For starting position, stand upright with your torso straight and a small forward inclination. Forearms should be pointing up towards the pulley while holding the rope.
  • Set backward a foot or two to create the tension.
  • Hinge forward with your knees about 30 degrees
  • Bring down the rope to the sides of your thighs using triceps
  • Exhale while performing the action and only the forearm should move
  • Holding up for a few seconds. Inhale and return the rope to the starting position in a smooth and slow pace
  • Repeat for a maximum of 10 reps.

If you think this doesn’t suffice and you need to sweat more, then make it a bit harder by,

  • Increasing the weight or holding the rope at a higher point to increase the tension

  1. Incline Dumbbell Press

This chest and triceps workout is a more advanced variation of your dumbbell chest press.

How to do:-
  • Lie on your back on an incline bench of 30 – 45 degrees
  • Hold a pair of dumbbell directly above your shoulders with stretched arms
  • Ensure to maintain complete balance and control of the dumbbell
  • Exhale and push the weight up with your chest
  • Now pull your shoulder blades, inhale and lower both dumbbells tardy to the side of your chest
  • Pause for a second and repeat for 10 – 12 reps

Equipment Required:

11. Oblique Twists

You will encounter oblique twists when exploring a good chest and triceps workout. This exercise is quite simple and can be done at home as well. 

How To Do:
  • Sit on the floor with knees bent, feet flat and abs contracted. Your upper body should be at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Hold a medicine ball with both your hands.
  • Contract your abs and twist slowly from your torso to your right. 
  • Touch the medicine ball to the floor beside you. Hold for a few seconds.
  • Slowly twist to the centre and then repeat on the left side. 

Equipment Required: 

12. Decline Situps

Decline situps are a chest and triceps workout that you can do at the gym or at home with a decline bench. This workout is highly beneficial for the chest and triceps. 

How To Do:
  • Sit on a decline bench, bend your knees and tuck your feet under the padded bar.
  • Interlace your fingers around the base of the skull or cross your arms over the chest.
  • Lift your torse such that your chest comes closer to your thighs
  • Hold the position for a few seconds.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat.

Equipment Required:

13. Leg Raises

One of the best chest and triceps workouts you can do without equipment is leg raises. This is an easy exercise for your upper body. 

How To Do:

  • Lie down on your back with your legs together and straight.
  • Keeping your legs together and straight, lift them up toward the ceiling. Lift your legs till your hips come off the floor.
  • Slowly lower your legs to the point they are just above the ground. Hold the position for a few seconds.
  • Raise your legs back up and repeat.

So these are some of the chest and triceps workouts, if done right, are going to put those little bumps on your triceps and increase the chest muscles. These are a few advanced level training that needs weights, so it is always better to have a helping hand or a trainer while exercising.

Happy and safe workouts!

Why Should You Do Chest And Triceps Workout: 5 Benefits Of Chest And Tricep Exercises

Here are five reasons why you should do chest and triceps workouts together and work on both these muscles in the same session:

  • The best chest and tricep workout will target both your chest and your triceps. This will help in building functional upper body strength and also improve your posture. 
  • Both the chest and the tricep are trained with pushing movements, so you can easily train them both together by first focusing on compound movements for both the muscles. 
  • Working out complimentary muscle groups like the chest and the triceps together helps you make your workout session more time-efficient, and you will also not have to warm up separately for training both these muscles. 
  • A good chest and tricep workout can help you work on building both the muscles without the development of one of these muscles impeding the other. 
  • Working out your chest and triceps together will help your pectorals and triceps grow at the same rate. 

These are the benefits of a chest and triceps workout and why you should train this muscle group in a single workout session. 

20-Minute Easy Chest And Triceps Workout At Home With Dumbbells

Here is an easy 20-minute chest and triceps workout at home with dumbbells that will help you do a complete session focused on this muscle group. You must do each of these exercises for 40 seconds. There must be a 20-second gap after each exercise and a break after six exercises. All the exercises must be repeated thrice. The following is the chest and tricep workout that you can do at home. 


Dragon Pushups
3 sets
Repeat for 40 seconds

Pinch Press
3 sets
Repeat for 40 seconds

Chest Press Into Fly
3 sets
Repeat for 40 seconds

Hindu Pushups
3 sets
Repeat for 40 seconds

Skull Crushers
3 sets
Repeat for 40 seconds

3 sets
Repeat for 40 seconds

This 20-minute chest and triceps workout at home can be done by you when you have less time or are in a hurry. 

9-Minute Chest And Triceps Workout At Gym

Even when doing a chest and triceps workout at gym, you can do a quick 9-minute session and get done for the day. The exercises listed here should be done for 40 seconds each, followed by a 20-second break. You should do three sets of each of these exercises and finish your workout with the combination of them all. The following are the chest and tricep exercises that are a part of this quick 9-minute gym workout for your upper body. 


Chest Press
3 sets
Repeat for 40 seconds

Tricep Extension
3 sets
Repeat for 40 seconds

Chest Fly
3 sets
Repeat for 40 seconds

This 9-minute chest and triceps workout is the best option when you are short on time and quickly need to work on this muscle group. You can do this workout easily at the gym. 


As we reach the conclusion of this article on good chest and tricep workouts that you can do at home or at the gym, we hope that this article has helped you identify what you need to do to build muscles and achieve the body type of your dreams. Working out is of utmost importance for body-building, and you must choose the right workout routine that suits your body type and your requirement the best. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are chest and triceps a good workout?

The workout for the chest and triceps is very effective and also hard. Combining the workout for the triceps and the chest helps you save time as well. Yes, a chest and triceps workout is good for building muscles.  

Can I train my chest and triceps together?

Yes, you can work out your chest and triceps together. You can work on your chest and triceps in the same workout session. Working on one of these muscles does not impede the development of the other. 

How many exercises should I do for the chest and triceps?

Knowing how many exercises you should do for training your chest and trices is important. As a beginner, you must do four chest and triceps exercises, and as a pro-body-builder or lifter, you should do six to seven workouts in each session.