101 Physical Things That Can Be Reduced In Your Home

Declutter Your Home Checklist - 101 Physical Things That Can Be Reduced In Your Home

“One can furnish a home very luxuriously by taking out furniture rather than putting it in.” —Francis Jourdain

Many people will miss the joys of minimalism because they are afraid to begin. Often, they fear if they “minimize” an item from their home, they will regret it in the future if they need it again.

While that rarely happens (you need so much less than you think), if this fear is preventing you from getting started, try this alternative method instead.

Begin by simply reducing the excess things in your home. For example, your family needs towels so you will never remove them completely—but you could simplify your life by reducing the number of towels you own. This approach removes all risk.

Once you take that first step, you will start to experience the benefits of minimalism. You will enjoy the refreshing feeling of a less-cluttered linen closet or bathroom drawer.

Soon, you will notice countless other things that can be reduced in your home. Before you know it, you will have made significant progress in your journey towards a more simplified life.

To better understand the potential of this simple, risk-free step, I compiled a list of 101 Things That Can Easily Be Reduced In Your Home.

Just below the written list in this post, you can also sign up to have a printable PDF of my Declutter Your Home Checklist. I’ll send you an in-color version as well as a black & white version.

This minimalist list is not meant to overwhelm or frustrate you, it’s simply meant to give you an idea of how significant a step this can be–just choosing 10 things on this minimalist checklist to start with would result in a noticeable difference in your home.

The Declutter Your Home Checklist: 101 Things That Can Easily Be Reduced In Your Home

  1. Kitchen Glassware
  2. Cookbooks
  3. Kitchen gadgets
  4. Kitchen appliances
  5. Pots / pans
  6. Mixing bowls
  7. Tupperware
  8. Water pitchers
  9. Coffee mugs
  10. Glass jars
  11. Magazines / Newspapers
  12. Books
  13. Over-the-counter medicine
  14. Make up
  15. Hair accessories
  16. Personal beauty appliances
  17. Toiletries
  18. Photos
  19. Photography supplies
  20. Sewing supplies
  21. Scrap-booking supplies
  22. Other craft supplies
  23. CDs
  24. DVDs / VHS tapes
  25. Wall Decorations
  26. Candles
  27. Candle Holders
  28. Figurines
  29. Crystal / China
  30. Vases
  31. Audio/visual components
  32. Audio/visual cables
  33. Computers equipment
  34. Computer peripherals
  35. Old cellphones
  36. Furniture
  37. Video game systems
  38. Video game accessories
  39. Video games
  40. Shirts
  41. Pants / Shorts
  42. Dresses / Skirts
  43. Hats
  44. Clothes hangers
  45. Shoes
  46. Ties / belts / accessories
  47. Coats
  48. Winter gear
  49. Socks / Underwear
  50. Sleepwear
  51. Jewelry
  52. Purses
  53. Pillows
  54. Linen sets
  55. Duvets / Comforters
  56. Blankets
  57. Towels
  58. Televisions
  59. Items on your bulletin board
  60. Magnets
  61. Home office supplies
  62. Coins
  63. Pens / pencils
  64. Rubber bands / Twist ties
  65. Cleaning supplies
  66. Old batteries
  67. Tools
  68. Hardware
  69. Coolers
  70. Manuals
  71. Phone books
  72. Coupons
  73. Board games
  74. Puzzles
  75. Decks of cards
  76. Unused gifts
  77. Baby clothes
  78. Baby supplies
  79. Old schoolbooks/papers
  80. Toys
  81. Stuffed animals
  82. Kid’s artwork
  83. Suitcases
  84. Pantry food
  85. Paper goods
  86. Wrapping supplies
  87. Pet supplies
  88. Plastic bags
  89. Party supplies
  90. Seasonal decorations
  91. Sporting goods
  92. Sports memorabilia
  93. Automobiles
  94. Automotive supplies
  95. Scrap pieces of lumber
  96. Brooms
  97. Rakes
  98. Shovels
  99. Garden tools
  100. Plant containers / Pots
  101. Empty cardboard boxes

If you’d prefer a physical copy of the Declutter Your Home Checklist, fill out your email below for a high-quality, printable PDF:

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    If you are just beginning your personal journey towards simplicity, I recommend our book: Simplify. 7 Guiding Principles to Help Anyone Declutter Their Home and Life. 

    In it, you will find principles of simplicity that are encouraging, uplifting, and entirely within your reach.

    For more ideas on how to “minimalize” your life, visit this article on comprehensive decluttering tips.