100 Best Party Songs for an Epic Dance Throwdown

You’ve got the drinks. You’ve got the appetizers. You’ve got the lights and decorations. But you don’t have a party until you’ve got the songs. Whether you’re inviting friends over to your apartment or breaking into an abandoned warehouse, the music is the No. 1 most important element of any celebratory gathering, and crafting the perfect playlist is a delicate science. Sure, you might be tempted to show off your broad and obscure tastes. But in most situations, familiarity is what brings the most feet to the dance floor. 

In that spirit, when compiling this list of the greatest party songs of all-time, we’ve stuck to the big names with the big tunes just about everyone knows. Within a few notes of any of these tunes popping on the speakers, your living room, wedding reception, backyard barbecue etc is guaranteed to be pulsing with ecstatic energy. And when you’re still hearing about how rad the party was weeks and months afterward…well, you can thank us later.   

Listen to these songs on Amazon Music

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