“美國恐怖故事” Requiem 1981/1987: Part 1 (TV Episode 2022) – IMDb
For a show called American Horror Story, you could not get closer to a truly Horific story of America’s past.
Whilst this show has delt with true past events, none were better represented than in this episode. To show the tragic way people were treated in those early days of the AIDS epidemic, may be confronting and uncomfortable, is true horror perpetrated by society.
Some reviews would have you believe this was unnecessary or uncomfortable to watch, that’s all true but it is necessary to remember the plight of those who suffered in those early days.
I find it difficult to read reviews that state that this season was pushing some sort of LGBTQ+ agenda. As a heterosexual it is clear to me that whilst this did effect mostly gay men (during the 80’s) this is a tale of the horrific way humans can treat those they consider other. Despite where you stand on same sex relations it should terrify you the way people who were infected were treated. It should not matter who someone loves when it comes to a disease like HIV/AIDS (HUMAN) compassion should be universal. These people deserved better in their last days and I commend the writers of American Horror Story for living up to the name of their show. It is easy to write and market easily digestible fiction, but it takes true courage to risk shinning a light on the true inconvenient true horror of the not so distant past.