🥇▷【 Listening Test – Inglés Nivel PET 】

Los cursos más populares de Inglés:

Tony: What about the director, he was really good too. Although the play he put on last year was a lot better. This wasn’t his best, but it was good.

If you would like to find out more information about the exhibits, then you can have a look on the internet. Go to their website. You can find it at Bournexpo.com. That’s B O U R N E X P O.com

Right everyone! Some important information about the school trip to the art exhibition in Bournemouth. We know that in May you all have your exams and so we’ve arranged the trip in April. We’re going on the 15 th . Put it in your diaries and don’t forget to tell your parents. Now some information about the art exhibition. There will be a total of 240 exhibits showing the work of more than 100 artists from all over the world. The 85 students that are going are extremely lucky. This is a once in a life time experience. Never have these artists been grouped together.

Bethany: Well, when I was younger I wasn’t very ambitious; in fact, my first job was in my local supermarket. I worked there for two years and one day I was approached by a modelling agency that offered me a job. I left the job immediately and started modelling.

Mum 2: Well, you know he had the interview to be a pilot, well, he didn’t get the job.

Mum 1: So I hear Tom has got a new job. What is he doing?

You will hear a conversation between a man, Tony, and his wife Susan, about a play that they recently saw at the theatre.

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones 1) Art Exhibition 2) Date of trip: 15 th 3) Number of students attending event: 4) How the group will travel to Bournemouth: by 5) What the students should take on the day: 6) Name of the website page: 7) Which day other details will be available to students: Corregir Ver Solución Limpiar

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones 1) What is the Tom’s job now? Corregir Ver Solución Limpiar

Inicia sesión para hacer seguimiento de tus autoevaluaciones 1) How many eggs do you need to make the cake? Corregir Ver Solución Limpiar

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