The Courier-Express Newspaper – Archives & Special Collections – E. H. Butler Library at Buffalo State University
The Courier-Express newspaper was born in 1926, with the merger of the Buffalo Courier and the Buffalo Express to form the Buffalo Courier-Express. William J. Conners, owner of the Buffalo Courier, was the person instrumental in bringing the two papers together. During the 19th century numerous newspapers existed. The Buffalo Courier-Express merger can trace its roots back to 1828. From 1828 to 1926, twelve separate newspapers merged during those years, ending with the formation of the Buffalo Courier-Express; quite a chronology for the history of this newspaper.
The Courier and then the Courier-Express took a liberal position on all issues. In the late 1970s, the Courier-Express was sold to Cowles-Media, an out of state publisher. Cowles Media decided to close the paper in 1982. The September 19, 1982 issue was the last one for this very popular Buffalo newspaper. Cowles Media donated the library to the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society and Buffalo State College.
The Courier-Express Newspaper materials have four distinct sections:
1) The Courier-Express Article Morgue
The Article Morgue consists of approximately one million news clippings. The news clippings are arranged by subject and person, covering the late 1950’s through September 19, 1982. This collection served as an internal corporate library for the reporters of the paper. The librarians weeded both the clippings and photographic files, discarding older files on a routine basis. As a result many subject areas are not covered. A small selection of television press-kits, and local research material is included at the end of the article collection. See separate inventory.
2) The Courier-Express Photograph Collection
The Courier-Express Photograph Collection contains over one hundred thousand photographs and several pieces of artworks and framed photographs. This collection are the original photos taken by Courier-Express photographers during the course of their work. In many instances, the photograph has a clipping of the article and caption relating to the photograph.
3) The Courier-Express Vietnam Veteran Files
The Vietnam Files are individual envelopes created by newspaper staff containing information on a soldier that fought in Vietnam and was named in a Courier publication. There are a total of 3792 named individuals in the collection. The envelope contents typically include news clippings, biographical information on the solider, a photograph, and the original printing press plate used for the photograph.
4) The Courier-Express Microfilm Collection
The Courier-Express Microfilm Collection contains full run editions of the newspaper from its creation in 1926 to its close in 1982. Newspapers are filmed chronologically and available to researchers. Researchers must visit to the collection for extensive requests; archivists and archival assistants will take distance research requests only if provided with a specific year and date. Please contact an archivist for additional information.