‘Married at First Sight’: Which Couples Are Still Together?

On paper these two seem like a perfect match, but his lack of attraction has proved problematic in making their marriage move forward. Can they make a drastic change before Decision Day? Only time will tell.

Although there may have been initial concern regarding the meshing of these two very different individuals, Chris and Nicole have continued to grow closer each passing week and have become one of the strongest couples of Season 16.

While some comments made early on in their marriage made way for uncomfortable tensions, the pair have worked together to break down walls. Can they keep moving in the right direction?

Although the pair started their marriage on a positive note, over time that changed. Ultimately, their personalities differed too greatly, and so they decided to call it quits before the two-month experiment brought them to Decision Day.

This duo has made a steady progression in the marriage process, but there are still some obstacles to overcome as they prepare for Decision Day.

After getting a delayed start to their marriage due to COVID, Binh and Morgan headed into their honeymoon with hope, but certain comments he made to other grooms on the trip broke down her trust. Once that trust was broken, there really was no going back. Morgan and Binh ended things before the season was even through, making their divorce final before Decision Day.

Initially lovey-dovey, Justin and Alexis ran into trouble when they arrived home from their honeymoon and an incident between their dogs occurred. From that point forward, the already overly emotional Justin couldn’t seem to mesh with Alexis. Despite his wish to continue their marriage, and an initial yes from her on Decision Day, she soon called it quits afterward.

As one of Season 15’s strongest pairs, it’s unsurprising that Lindy and Miguel made it through the eight-week process committed to one another. Following Decision Day, their marriage had appeared to only get stronger, as was seen in the Reunion episodes. Unfortunately, the pair announced in a joint statement that they would no longer be continuing their marriage.

Certainly not the strongest match, Krysten did her best to make the most of her marriage with Mitch. His initial lack of attraction to her led to some difficult conversations but ultimately turned into a good friendship. That wasn’t enough to foster a strong marriage though and the pair decided to call it quits on Decision Day.

While this pair seemed to connect early on in their run on the show, Nate and Stacia hit their fair share of bumps along the way. As they couldn’t always see eye to eye on their future, it was no surprise that they struggled. Ultimately, they decided to give their relationship a shot on Decision Day by saying yes to marriage, but it’s unclear if that promise has stuck. By the Reunion, the pair admitted that they’d had to spend time apart, and based on their social media activity, it doesn’t seem like the pair are exactly a couple anymore, but divorce hasn’t been declared publicly yet.

When it came to this couple, their differing personalities seemed to be their biggest downfall. While Mark was shy and quiet, Lindsey was anything but subdued. Although their marriage started out strong on the honeymoon, their progress was too fast for Mark who pulled back on the reins. This was the spark to set off various fights between the couple. And while they may have had a few sweet moments and supported each other, it wasn’t enough to make the relationship last.

On their wedding day, Jasmina and Michael seemed to connect immediately, but miscommunication early on in their marriage created a barrier between them. Despite improving their bond over the weeks, it wasn’t enough to make things last past Decision Day. While they agreed to remain married on the pivotal day, their differing levels of effort resulted in their demise.

While Olajuwon may have had a lot of ideas about what the perfect wife is, Katina was able to show him that expectations aren’t always what they’re cracked up to be. In the end, these two found common ground allowing them to continue with this chapter of their lives as a married couple.

Noi and Steve fell hard for each other during the experimental process. While they got along most of the time, Noi consistently brought up concerns about Steve’s employment status. Despite some back-and-forth arguing, this cute pair showed each other time and again that they were matched with the right person… until they weren’t. Following the season’s run, Steve and Noi parted ways for good.

This pair went from married to divorced quicker than most as she couldn’t seem to find anything worth connecting over. Alyssa felt short-changed by her match with Chris, a man who seemed confused by her refusal to stay in the same room on their wedding night and honeymoon. Ultimately, it’s for the best that this duo didn’t end up together.

While Zack and Michaela really connected on their wedding night, a COVID diagnosis on their honeymoon disrupted things and they hadn’t been the same since. Arguments, abandonment issues, and more led to some odd choices on Decision Day. Zack asked for a divorce but claimed he still wanted a relationship with Michaela. She didn’t agree, but went along with the divorce. By the time the reunion rolled around, it was revealed that the pair are no longer on good terms and see their former relationship in completely different ways.

This duo hit it off pretty strong on their wedding day, but over time a lack of openness impeded on their ability connect. By the time Decision Day arrived, it was a mutual choice to end things. Despite their unsuccessful marriage, by the time the reunion arrived, Brett and Ryan are still on good terms as friends.

Although it isn’t common to marry someone you’ve met before on this show, Johnny and Bao are in that small category having known each other in college. Despite this preliminary awareness, the pair had a rocky go of it as hang-ups turned into big arguments. By the time Decision Day had come around, Bao was over it all and asked for a divorce despite Johnny’s surprising desire to stay married. Their relationship hasn’t changed since the finalizing decision.

This couple had a mostly smooth experience. There were some red flags around Jose’s controlling nature and Rachel’s occasional bad moods. And although one fight almost had them calling it quits, they continued to hang in there. By Decision Day they were all in on staying together, but the reunion revealed they briefly broke up after the cameras stopped rolling. Ultimately, their differences must have been too prominent as the pair eventually broke up for good.

The beginning of this couple’s marriage was a little rocky as they adjusted to each others’ lifestyles, primarily her affinity of the finer things in life. And despite a lack of physical affection early on, this couple began to turn things around in a positive direction as they approached Decision Day. When it came time for the reunion, it was revealed that a couple weeks into their life post-Decision Day, the duo split. Myrla decided they weren’t meant for each other, but Gil still feels blindsided by the revelation.

This problematic couple was raising red flags the day of their nuptials with Chris revealing his dissatisfaction with Paige’s looks. Things only went from bad to worse as they tried to make it work in their own way, but when an ex came forward and revealed she was pregnant, Chris’s days married to Paige were quickly numbered. Thankfully they were able to agree that divorce was the best option in this scenario.

This couple had some challenges connecting on levels they were both comfortable at first, but ultimately their love for one another prevailed by Decision Day. Since the reunion, the pair announced plans to renew their vows in a big celebration with their friends and family, but it seems their dream life together has fallen apart. Clara and Ryan have since filed for divorce.

It was hard to read this couple at the beginning of their journey with the series, but ultimately, their personalities were too different to mesh. The awkwardness between them only grew overtime and they decided it was best to part ways by the time Decision Day rolled around.

The connection between this couple was immediate and it was clear to see why they were matched. Despite some of his apprehensions towards trying things out of his comfort zone, Briana’s encouragement allowed them to both grow together. Their bubbly attitude makes it easy to see why they’re a fan-favorite of Season 12.

Although this couple had some turbulent times during their season between her penchant for partying and his strict rules for who was acceptable company, the pair were able to find a balance that led to their choice of staying married during Decision Day. By the reunion, the duo were still happily together and were even set to feature in Lifetime’s spinoff Couples Cam. Sadly love did not prevail for the pair who filed for divorce in 2021.

This duo have a shared love for cats, but not much else seems to connect them based on the experts’ matchmaking. That caused cracks to form early on in the bonding experience and their equal inabilities to be flexible ultimately ended their relationship. Before Decision Day even arrived, Brett and Olivia decided to divorce. When they did reunite for Decision Day the animosity from Olivia was plain on her face. That attitude continued into the Reunion episode as the pair argued over the reason for their marriage’s demise.

There’s a slight age difference between this couple, but the experts didn’t foresee that becoming a major problem for these two who appear to be perfect on paper. Desptie some struggles and growing pains in their relationship including her aversion to physical intimacy, Karen and Miles said yes to one another on Decision Day. Their marriage was even stronger once the Reunion rolled around, revealing a more comfortable pair.

It was not a match made in heaven when Christina and Henry met and it continued down an awkward path throughout Season 11. After several bumps in the road including an accusation of a gay affair for Henry, it wasn’t shocking to see this couple go their separate ways on Decision Day. The bad feelings didn’t fade leading up to the Reunion as the former spouses revealed they haven’t talked since they stopped filming.

These two from New Orleans both have strong personalities, luckily they seem to mesh perfectly. Amani and Woody turned out to be one of Season 11’s most successful couples as their love grew throughout the lengthy process. Despite going through a pendemic together, Woody and Amani’s bond only grew stronger. Even after saying yes to staying married on Decision Day, they have continued to stick it out as Woody gifted Amani with a diamond ring at the Reunion .

This quirky twosome were an early favorite, and their wedding and marriage seemed to be a perfect match. Throughout a season of enjoying each others past times and getting to know one another, it was no surprise they decided to stay together on Decision Day. And the couple kept viewers’ hope for their relationship alive as they were still blissfully married in the Reunion episode. Sadly following the show’s run, the couple were unable to make the relationship last.

This couple didn’t even last through the eight week experiment as Zach couldn’t “build attraction” with Mindy. After weeks of trying, Mindy saw that Zach wasn’t worth her time when she learned he’d been speaking to one of her close friends behind her back. Needless to say, on Decision Day, Mindy stood by the choice to divorce. Mindy remained pleased by her decision when they met again for the reunion.

On their wedding day, Michael and Meka appeared to be a good match, but when they arrived at their honeymoon, Meka claimed Michael had given her an ultimatum about consummating their union. This began a long string of lies, awkward silences, tension and disagreements throughout the eight weeks. Despite trying to reset more than once, Meka revealed she wanted a divorce on Decision Day while Michael claimed he didn’t believe in it. When they met for the reunion, not much had changed as they remain happily unwed.

Before walking down the aisle, Katie expressed doubts about participating because she still had feelings for someone else. Ultimately, she chose to wed Derek and the pair had their share of highs and lows including some tender moments and some baffling disagreements. Despite Katie’s apprehension to Derek and their emotional connection, she revealed that she wanted to stay married as did Derek on Decision Day. But the peace didn’t last long and it was mere weeks before the pair separated and eventually chose to divorce after affair accusations and poor communication.

This pair appeared to hit it off when they first wed but when the honeymoon took a sour turn for Brandon with production, it set the tone for the rest of the season. Despite many attempts at working things out, Taylor and Brandon were ultimately too different to stay married because on Decision Day she chose divorce. After the reunion, it was revealed that they eventually filed restraining orders against each other after a post-season run-in.

From the moment they met, Jessica and Austin’s shared quirks proved them a match made in heaven. Though there were concerns over work travel and debates over when the right time to say “I love you” is, the two made an obvious decision to remain wed. When they met for the reunion, the pair had become stronger than ever.

Despite an initial connection, Matt and Amber’s relationship quickly fizzled once his lack of commitment to their marriage became clear. On several occasions, Matt would stay out all night and not return home, when Amber found out he had been making time with other women she asked for a divorce which he happily agreed to. Meanwhile, the animosity remained intact when they reunited for the finale, but seemed to both be in a better place post-divorce.

On paper this couple seems perfect but in the end Keith couldn’t get past the fact that his bride’s relationship experience was limited (a.k.a. her virginity). On Decision Day Keith broke Iris’s heart when he didn’t want to stay married as she did, but towards the end of the episode he did say hope wasn’t lost for a possible reunion. That hope remained but only slightly when they appeared on the reunion finale episode. Even the other couples wished aloud that they would resolve their differences.

Elizabeth and Jamie kicked off their marriage with an immediate connection, but viewers learned they could fight as fiercely as they love. Many times Jamie left their shared apartment following volatile arguments and while divorce was mentioned, they chose to stay married on Decision Day. Whether that’s for the best or not remains to be seen as they were still together when the finale reunion rolled around.

This duo who took some time to warm up to one another ultimately chose to stay married. It seems like Greg’s play-it-safe nature and Deonna’s outgoing ways made for a perfect match when they mutually agreed to see their relationship through on Decision Day. And when the reunion finale took place months later, they’re still going strong with their relationship.

This couple has had its ups and downs as they worked to find common ground, but ultimately they agreed to stay married. Keith says his wife pushes him to be a better version of himself and that’s why he wouldn’t give up on their relationship.

Despite somewhat connecting this duo didn’t stick it out for the long haul. While Jasmine wanted to give their marriage more time, Will didn’t want to waste it and asked for a divorce by the end of the season.

Throughout their season, Kate and Luke’s relationship seemed less than perfect. After unshared attraction and accusations, this couple decided to call it quits by the end. Even the experts agreed it was for the best.

Even though AJ’s temper was a bit of a hurdle for the couple’s relationship they decided to stay together. Time will tell if the marriage can survive long-term, but for now, they’ve found some solid footing.

The couple welcomed their daughter Olivia Nicole in February 2019. Bergman said to Doss on Decision Day, “I’m just completely head over heels in love with you. This is by far the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

Bally filed for divorce in Dallas County, Texas, in September. Their short-lived marriage was filled with drama, though. Bally had previously been charged with stalking an ex-boyfriend and unauthorized use of a credit card.

The couple couldn’t make it work post filming even though they decided to stay together on Decision Day. “He just kind of felt more like he doesn’t know if he could fall in love with me,” Martorana said on the reunion special. “I moved out. I felt like maybe he needs more time to know if maybe I’m the person he wants.”

Another couple who made it! They welcomed their daughter, Laura Denise, in August 2018. “Seeing my daughter and holding her for the first time was magical,” Jackson said to People magazine.

They only stayed married for 10 months. “We have split and trust me we are both much happier and healthier this way. Thank you so much for all the love and support,” Jaclyn shared on social media.

The two split up and Francetic was reportedly spotted kissing Dr. Jessica Griffin, an expert on the show. Those two announced their engagement in April 2019… so, we guess the Lifetime series works in mysterious ways.

The Season 5 alums are actually stronger than ever and welcomed their daughter Mila Rose in January 2019. “We have both always dreamed of having a child and we are so happy to finally be making our dreams come true together,” they said on social media.

The couple called it quits on their marriage after, Duhon, a business manager, confirmed on the news on Twitter, and denied cheating allegations. But Downs contradicted her ex and wrote on social media, “My husband & I had problems. Yes. He was dishonest and there were women throughout our ENTIRE marriage.”

The couple split after one year of marriage. “We value and respect marriage, but life is short and we also value happiness. While this was a difficult decision and divorce is not something either of us hoped for, we decided we will be happiest separating,” she wrote on social media. During the show, the couple had issues over consummating their marriage.

The magic was gone by the second day of the honeymoon, and the couple agreed to split after only two weeks—the soonest of any couple so far in the series. Heather, a flight attendant, blamed his smoking, but Derek, an account executive, says it was clear that she was just not that into him.

The most up-and-down couple of the season, social worker Sonia and Nick, a vacation rentals manager, seemed committed to making it work on the reunion show. But in March 2017, the couple revealed that they had filed for divorce, though they also appeared to have few regrets: “We look forward to growing and continuing to learn about ourselves from what we still consider to be a meaningful experience with MAFS.”

Tom, a peripatetic surfer who outfits yacht interiors, decided Lillian, a high-end real estate agent, was worth settling down for. At the reunion, they confirmed they had moved in to a new place together and that their sex life is “very healthy.” Alas, this love was not meant to last. In May 2017, the couple announced their split after 14 months of marriage.

Though Samantha, now a client services manager for ADP, was initially cool on Neil, a laboratory manager, it was Neil who pulled the plug on their marriage on Decision Day, devastating Samantha. They split up, but their social media feeds show they’re still friendly. Role welcomed a daughter in September 2018 and in early 2019, she announced she’d secretly married Chris Wise almost a year prior.

Ashley, a nursing student, and David, an IT project manager, had a rough go right from the start. He felt her heart wasn’t in it, and she felt betrayed when he reached out to another woman on social media. She ultimately opted for divorce — and only later found out that David pleaded guilty years earlier to disorderly conduct following an argument with his then-girlfriend. He still went on to star alongside Vanessa Nelson in Married at First Sight: Second Chances.

The physical chemistry wasn’t an issue for Vanessa, a corporate events manager, and Tres, a luxury car salesman, but that couldn’t help them overcome serious trust issues and miscommunication. Though they were the only couple in their season to stay together after Decision Day, the duo announced they had called it quits at the reunion.

They had the most tempestuous relationship of Season 2, but the fighting didn’t stop Jessica, a receptionist, and businessman Ryan from deciding to stick it out on Decision Day. We didn’t have high hopes for the marriage, but we certainly didn’t expect Jessica to file for a restraining order against Nick, who allegedly threatened to kill her and “disappear” her family. Needless to say, they are dunzo. Jessica now bills herself as an actress and appears to be single, while Ryan’s new love, judging from his highly political Twitter account , is Donald Trump.

After a rocky start, Jaclyn, a vodka sales rep, and Ryan, a real estate agent, became a MAFS fan favorite, and they elected to stay together on Decision Day despite their cultural differences — she’s from Jersey, he’s from Long Island. They had split up by the reunion show, and though they agreed to give it another go, they never hooked up again on any level.

Davina Kullar is now Davina Davis, and eagle-eyed viewers will note that is not Sean’s last name. It clearly wasn’t meant to be between Sean, a trauma nurse, and Davina, a pharmaceutical saleswoman. They never really gelled and couldn’t even live full-time together. But less than two years post-MAFS, Davina tied the knot with beau Donald Davis. The two welcomed their son Hudson in May.

Despite doing the deed the same night they tied the knot, Monet, a product developer, and Vaughn, a field service technician who now runs an organic food business, were the only couple not to go the distance the first season. Though the sex was, in Monet’s words, “awesome,” they just weren’t a match. Monet parlayed MAFS into a spot on FYI’s dating show Blacklove, while Vaughn found a new love with whom he welcomed a son, Zaire, in 2016.

Cortney, a makeup artist, and Jason, an aspiring fireman, seemed made for each other from the start, but, as seen on Married at First Sight: The First Year, real life intruded after the show: Jason’s mother died; Cortney lost her job; and the couple argued over money. Sadly they weren’t able to figure things out as the pair decided to end things in 2019 after five years of marriage.

Nurse (and former Bachelor contender) Jamie and Doug, a salesman, took it slow on the show, and it paid off: They renewed their wedding vows on their first anniversary. They welcomed a daughter named Henley Grace in August 2017. Sadly, the couple has suffered two miscarriages, but in 2020 they welcomed their second child, a son named Hendrix Douglas.

Remember when Fox’s reality special Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire blew our nation’s collective moral gasket?

Fast-forward years later, and Lifetime is in the midst of its 16th season of Married at First Sight, in which moralizers can at least take comfort in the fact that the couples are paired up by relationship experts (and that, unlike Multi-Millionaire, there is no swimsuit competition).

But is MAFS’ concept a formula for wedded bliss? The results are mixed — a handful of couples are currently still together following Season 15. And out of those remaining couples, seven have started a family together.

Click through the gallery above to find out which Married at First Sight couples are still together and which opted for a divorce.

Married at First Sight, Season 16, Wednesdays, 8/7c, Lifetime