Amazon Spain: A Delivery Guide for International Shoppers

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Amazon Spain is the third largest Amazon in Europe after Amazon UK and Amazon Germany. As well as shoppers in Spain, it’s also very popular with Amazon shoppers in Portugal: Amazon Spain is the closest warehouse to Portugal geographically and, if you live in Portugal and are looking for expedited delivery, it’s often the fastest Amazon to shop at. (Amazon Spain) gets its fair number of shoppers from other countries in Europe as well, particularly the UK and Germany. Although it’s not usually cheaper than either Amazon UK or Germany, sometimes it is (even with delivery costs from Spain included). If you’re making a big purchase, it’s worth comparing the prices of a few different Amazons (including Amazon Spain) to see which offers the best value for money.

1-2 day delivery is often available (within Europe)

Amazon Spain’s express delivery varies depending on where you’re located. Taking a pair of Bose 35 noise-cancelling headphones as an example, Amazon Spain offers the following express delivery times:

  • Portugal: 1 day
  • UK: 1 day
  • Ireland: 3 days
  • Germany: 1 day

Basically, if there’s an Amazon store in that country (e.g. the UK and Germany) Amazon can ship the product from the local store and get it to you in one day. Otherwise, you’re looking at around 3 days as the fastest option.

This is based on a product that Amazon holds in stock (it’s available on Amazon Prime in Spain). If the product is sold by a third-party seller, the delivery times will depend on the seller.

Free delivery outside of Spain is rare (except to Portugal)

Like most local Amazons (e.g. Amazon UK, US, or Amazon Germany), Amazon offers free delivery for orders over a certain amount. Normally free delivery is only available within that specific country (e.g. Amazon UK offers free delivery to UK addresses but not to the Netherlands, for example), but there are some exceptions.

For Amazon Spain, that exception is Portugal. Although the terms often change, Amazon Spain usually offers free delivery to Portugal on orders above €29. For shoppers from everywhere else, however, it’s unlikely that you’ll get free delivery regardless of how much you spend.

It’s worth noting that often the shipping costs are fairly minimal, and it may still be worth shopping at Amazon Spain. Using the example of the Bose 35 headphones, Amazon Spain charges less than €5 for shipping to most European countries (including the UK and Germany).

Shoppers in Portugal: for a product that costs less than €29, and is being shipped to Portugal, expect to pay between €0.99 and €3.99 on average. Orders over €29, including the aforementioned Bose headphones, should be delivered for free.

To see how much you can expect to pay, simply add the product to your basket and proceed to the checkout.

You’ll probably need to translate Amazon Spain into English

While some ‘Amazons’ are available in other languages (Amazon Germany is available in English, Polish, Czech, Dutch, and Turkish, for example), Amazon Spain is only available in Spanish. If you want to view the pages in English, you can either copy and paste the page URL into Google Translate or you can translate the page using your browser (more on that here).

Some products only ship within Spain

For whatever reason, some products don’t ship outside of Spain. If this is the case, you’ll get an error message that looks something like this.

Amazon Spain won't ship hairdryer

This is quite frustrating, and often there isn’t a lot you can do about it. You may get lucky and find another merchant selling the same product that does ship to your destination, but usually you’ll just have to pick another similar product that doesn’t have that shipping restriction.

Have you shopped at Amazon Spain? Share your thoughts and reviews by leaving a comment below.