Upper School – Taipei American School


At Taipei American School, we create an environment that encourages students to learn to love learning and to learn to serve others; if we succeed in doing no more than this, students will go far in life.

P rominent in our mission is our goal to cultivate a lifelong commitment to learning, personal, well-being, and service, and these elements of our education are learned mostly outside the academic realm; thus, at Taipei American School we urge students to participate in the breadth and wealth of our community. Taipei American School offers an unusually rich array of extracurricular opportunities, and, additionally, students support each other by attending games, events, and performances. By participating in the community we support the community, and, as a result, all of us grow and prosper.

We encourage students to focus on education, not on grades; we urge students to follow their passions and to strive to develop their talents to the fullest extent possible.

Balance is important. Time for sleep, for conversation, and for relaxation is as important as time for study. We want students to make good choices, to maintain a healthy perspective on learning, and to take the time to enjoy family, community, learning, and sleep!

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Lowman
Upper School Principal