Tuition & Fees – Taipei American School

Food Services (Optional)

Lunch Set Menu: NT$115

Recommended for Lower School: NT$10,000 per semester/NT$20,000 per school year
Recommended for Middle and Upper Schools: NT$15,000 per semester/NT$30,000 per school year

All students are issued a school ID card and funds loaded on the card are used for purchasing lunch.

Lunch is not covered by tuition. Students may purchase a lunch set menu each day for NT$115, which includes an international or Chinese entree, sides of vegetables and fruit, milk, and a sweet dessert on the last day of the week.

A wide variety of food is sold at the different locations on campus: serving line, pizza bar, salad bar, and Village Snack Bar. Each location features unique and delicious selections. Items can be paid for by cash or through a student account.

Accident Insurance (Optional)

NT$672 per year

Please be advised that TAS is not responsible for the Student Accident Insurance plan and is only providing this sign-up option as a courtesy for TAS parents.  Parents are not obligated to select this plan and may purchase another plan of their choosing or may elect to not purchase any plan as it is not obligatory.

Student Accident Insurance Plan (English PDF file)
Student Accident Insurance Plan (Chinese PDF file)
Insurance Application (English)
Insurance Application (Chinese)

Student Activity Trips (Optional)

NT$20,000-NT$40,000 per trip

Student activity trips in Middle and Upper School are not mandatory and are not covered by tuition costs. If a student is attending an optional school trip, and depending on the nature and destination of a trip, a family could be expected to pay anywhere between NT$20,000 to NT$40,000 per trip. Actual costs will vary, and may fall outside this range depending on the trip. The Outdoor Program listed in the required fees is separate from school trips and is required.

Grade 6-12 1:1 Laptop Program (Required purchase Grades 6-9)

Required Laptop Purchase

Students in grades 6-9 must purchase through the school a Lenovo ThinkPad X13 Gen 3 Yoga Laptop with a standard 3-year warranty that costs NT$55,000. Students in grades 10-12 may purchase the Lenovo Thinkpad X13 Gen.2 Yoga Laptop, or bring their own device provided it meets specifications. Read more about the Grades 6-12 1:1 Laptop Program.

Optional Hardware Accessories

  • Extended 4th Year Warranty – Global+ Protection: NT$ 7,000
  • Yoga Battery Warranty Extension (1 year to 3 years): NT$2,500

TAS will collect the laptop cost together with the Tuition and Fees to streamline logistics time. The Taiwan Government Uniform Invoice (“GUI”) will be issued by Multicom Taiwan delivered with your student’s’ laptop. The laptop product liability, maintenances, and warranties are obligated by Multicom Taiwan, not TAS. TAS is collecting laptop cost on behalf of the Multicom Taiwan.

School Supplies and Physical Education Uniforms

Parents of Middle School students can expect to pay NT$4,000-NT$5,000 if they purchase all new items for everything on the Middle School supply list (including two locks and two sets of PE uniforms). There are no charges for textbooks except for the English novels that are read each year. That cost varies but it is usually less than NT$1,500.

Parents of Upper School students can expect to pay around NT$10,000 for supplies, including two locks, two sets of PE uniforms, and a calculator. Students are also required to purchase books for their English class and prices vary depending on the bookseller. Click here to see the English course text list.

There is no set supply list or PE uniforms required for Lower School families.

Taipei Youth Program Association (TYPA)

TYPA is an organization that is independent from TAS and provides after school enrichment programs. You can learn more about TYPA and their associated costs at