Team:TAS Taipei/Team –

We are the Taipei American School iGEM team, Taiwan’s first high school team.

Hover over our portraits to “unmask” our faces – the antigens along the Red Blood Cell frame also get cleaved off!

Hannah H.

Joyce T.

Wilson H.

Mr. J. Clapper

Dr. J. Hsu

Mr. S. Tsao

Dr. N. Ward

Taipei American School is an independent school with an American-based curriculum located in Tianmu, Shilin District, Taipei City. TAS strives to stay ahead of the curve in STEAM education. An important aspect of STEAM education is the ‘E’: Engineering. Our iGEM team represents the application of engineering beyond robotics.

We work in the Sandy R. Puckett Memorial Research Lab, which was completely renovated in 2020 to provide a state-of-the-art research laboratory for on-campus student research in chemistry, biology, physics, synthetic biology, and nanotechnology. It is fully equipped for molecular biological and biochemistry research. The students have the opportunity to be creative and exploratory in many areas of scientific research at TAS.

This is our eighth year participating in the iGEM competition, and we look forward to continuing for years to come!