Taipei American School (TAS)



You don’t have to care if they’re white or not.

Of course I don’t. But why should I? You haven’t explained why below.



When you’re an international school in a Chinese-speaking country, you should be held to some level of standards, such as proficiency in the local language and cultural understanding, so that you can communicate with the local community beyond those who speak English or through a translator. You don’t need to be a certain race, in fact, that would be illegal.

Why? The primary language of the school is English. The entire reason for the school most simply is having an English-language curriculum. It’s intended to serve the foreign community.



You don’t need to be a certain race, in fact, that would be illegal.

Well, I’m glad we’ve got that straight.



But just as Taiwanese schools go and declare themselves “bilingual” while the administration can’t utter a word of English and any self-respecting English speaking teacher would stay away, international/ American schools shouldn’t get a free pass when their administration lacks those same abilities in reverse, especially when a huge portion of your student population is native Chinese speaking.

That’s not coherent. TAS doesn’t claim to be bilingual. It claims exactly to be an international and American school.