Lower School – Taipei American School


TAS students benefit from a caring and skillful teaching faculty, an excellent curriculum, and tremendous facilities in an environment that helps them foster a life-long love of learning.


All of us at the Lower School recognize that we have been given a tremendous responsibility. Students arrive at our school so young. Each day is an opportunity to spark their curiosity and support every step of their learning. Working as partners with parents, our faculty and administrators are committed to see that those same students will one day leave our school as well-rounded and confident young people, prepared for the next steps in their lives. 

Students learn best when they are surrounded by individuals who listen, care, and encourage them to achieve more than they could ever first imagine. At TAS we place students among thoughtful, caring, and well-trained teachers in an impressive academic and moral environment, and thus they become more engaged and invested in their learning. We value the talents of each student – the poet, mathematician, scientist – and provide a balanced educational program to enable them to flourish in a complex world. Each child is recognized as a unique individual with his or her own learning style, interests, strengths, challenges, and experiences.

Learning is a lifelong process. I myself am committed to lifelong learning and improvement. As I learn more about the TAS community, I am ever more impressed by the commitment to kindness, respect, responsibility, courage, and honesty, which is so apparent everywhere in this special place.

Again, welcome to the Lower School!

Best wishes,
Tara Simeonidis