Increasing the US military presence in Poland – Ministry of National Defence – website

Starting with the NATO Summit in Warsaw, successive Alliance summits have been implementing decisions that are strengthened by bilateral (primarily American) efforts that are key to reinforcing NATO’s defense and deterrence capabilities. One of these is the American initiative to strengthen the region – the so-called European Deterrence Initiative (EDI), which has resulted in the deployment of an Armored Brigade Combat Group to Poland and other countries on NATO’s eastern flank. This 3,500-strong formation is supported by the Combat Aviation Brigade and logistics and support subunits as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve.

According to the declarations and decisions, the strengthening of the US military presence in Poland, refers not only to combat units, but also to reconnaissance and command systems, or the ability to receive additional forces, in case of an emergency. Thus, they prove the close Polish-American alliance and partnership. Our defense relations with the United States have never been as strong as they are today.

On August 15, 2020, Mariusz Blaszczak, Minister of National Defense, and Michael Pompeo, the United States Secretary of State, signed an agreement to increase the permanent presence of American troops in Poland. The agreement was signed in the presence of the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda.

The Poland-United States Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) is the crowning achievement of Polish-American negotiations on increasing the number of US troops in Poland. The agreement defines three main areas of efforts to improve the security of Poland and NATO’s eastern flank, i.e. defense cooperation, the functioning of the US Armed Forces in Poland and infrastructural and logistical support for the presence of US troops on Polish territory. The fundamental objective of the EDCA is to create conditions for the development of defense capabilities, defense planning, military training and the settlement of a long-term US presence. Another element strengthening bilateral defense cooperation was the landmark decision announced by President of the United States Joe Biden during the NATO summit in Madrid, which established a permanent US military presence in Poland. Currently, a total of about 10,000 troops of the US armed forces are stationed in Poland, primarily as part of a rotational presence.


U.S. Land Forces V Corps Forward Command (Poznań)

The U.S. V Corps Forward Command is one of the permanent U.S. installations in Poland, located at Camp Kosciuszko in Poznan. The primary task of this unit is to coordinate the activities and supervise U.S. ground forces deployed in Europe, operational planning, and cooperation and synchronization of U.S. forces with the troops of other NATO countries. The command plays a key role in the integration of US troops deployed in Poland, synchronizing their cooperation with the Polish Armed Forces. The command oversees, stationed in Poland, the U.S. Land Forces’ Forward Division Command. This represents a real increase in interoperability between Polish and US troops.

The command’s presence in Poznan strengthens the ability of the U.S. and Polish armed forces and other Allies to work together in order to respond efficiently and swiftly to any hostile action against Poland and other Allies in the region. The Polish Armed Forces are working closely with this US command in Poland. Extensive cooperation is being carried out within the command structure with, among others, the Multinational Division Northeast in Elblag.

U.S. Army Garrison Poland (USAG-P)

On March 21, 2023, Deputy Prime Minister Mariusz Blaszczak took part in a ceremony of transforming the Area Support Group Poland (ASG-P) into the U.S. Army Garrison Poland (USAG-P). This will be the first permanent U.S. Army garrison in Poland. U.S. Army Garrison Poland will be the eighth permanent garrison of the U.S. Armed Forces in Europe and the first permanent garrison of U.S. troops in Poland. The unit is being established thanks to a U.S. Presidential Decision issued in 2022 and will be responsible for infrastructure support for U.S. troops stationed in Poland. The garrison will also be in charge of directing and managing the US military’s forward outposts in Poland.

Armored Brigade Combat Team

The Armored Brigade Combat Team, or ABCT, is part of the American forces that arrived in Poland in 2017.  The Americans were redeployed to Europe as part of an initiative to strengthen the region, the so-called European Deterrence Initiative (EDI) implemented under Operation Atlantic Resolve, and their stay is continuous and rotational. U.S. troops, although deployed mainly in western Poland, exercise and train all across Poland and operate throughout the region in the other countries of NATO’s eastern flank as well. ABCT elements are deployed in Żagań, Skwierzyna, Świętoszów, Drawsko Pomorskie, Bolesławiec and Toruń.

Combat Aviation Brigade (Powidz)

The Combat Aviation Brigade, or CAB, was dispatched to Europe in the first half of 2017 to support Operation Atlantic Resolve and other trainings and missions. One of the CAB task forces is stationed in Poland.

As part of Operation Atlantic Resolve, U.S. Combat Aviation Brigade units deployed on a rotational basis to Europe conduct medical transport exercises and provide support for exercises and air operations during major multinational exercises in Europe conducted jointly with Allied and partner countries.

Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (Powidz)

The Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (CSSB) is a logistical unit. The CSSB was moved to Poland and other countries on NATO’s eastern flank to strengthen the logistical support capabilities of operations conducted as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve.

The unit supports the activities of operational troops in a wide range of services including ammunition transport, movement control, repairs, maintenance, supplies, postal service, as well as in securing operations by military police.

Missile Defense Base (Redzikowo)

Cooperation in the area of missile defense (BMD) is one of the key elements of the Polish-American strategic partnership. As part of it, an American BMD installation will be launched at the Redzikowo military complex. Construction of the base was launched on May 13, 2016. It will guarantee the defense of Poland and a large part of the North Atlantic Alliance’s European territory against ballistic missile attacks.

The Redzikowo installation will be part of the US BMD architecture in Europe, the so-called European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA). In addition to Poland, elements of the system have been dislocated in Turkey and Romania, as well as Spain, where a base has been established for U.S. ships participating in the mission. EPAA is being implemented in three stages. In 2016, as scheduled, the implementation of Phase II was completed.  The construction of the system in Redzikowo begins the implementation of its final phase. The EPAA is the U.S. contribution to a broader Allied effort, the so-called NATO BMD system. As an important instrument of deterrence and defense, the system significantly strengthens Allied solidarity and supports NATO’s collective defense capabilities.

The deployment of the Redzikowo base will bring notable strategic and defense benefits to the Republic of Poland. First, it will provide a NATO-unique capability for defense against medium- and intermediate-range missiles, which few countries possess due to the high cost and time-consuming nature of such development. Second, it will provide an important element of the American and Allied military presence in our country.

eFP Battle Group (Bemowo Piskie)

In July 2016, at the NATO Summit in Warsaw, important decisions were made for the security of Poland and the entire region. The most important of these was the effective strengthening of the North Atlantic Alliance’s eastern flank. NATO has deployed one of four eFP (enhanced Forward Presence) battle groups in the vicinity of Orzysz. In Poland, the framework country of the group is the United States. The American contingent in the eFP is more than 800 soldiers, who are rotated every few months. The contingent forms the core of the “Polish” eFP multinational battalion combat group.  The group is completed of soldiers from the UK, Romania and Croatia. The eFP group cooperates with the 15th Mechanized Brigade from Giżycko, and its activities, similar to those of the other eFP battalion battle groups, are coordinated by the Multinational Division North-East in Elblag.

Polish-American cooperation in the face of Russian aggression in Ukraine

The growing Russian threat in Ukraine has been the subject of inter-ministerial consultations and bilateral discussions. In the face of the attack, as part of the policy of deterrence and defense of NATO’s eastern flank, the US side deployed the 82nd Airborne Division to Poland in the beginning of February 2022, which strengthened the capabilities of the Polish Armed Forces in southeastern Poland. In addition, multi-layered air defense of critical infrastructure used in support of our neighbor was provided with US assistance.

In addition, Poland is an active member of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group organized by the United States Secretary of Defense. The aim of the UDCG is to coordinate and synchronize the activities of countries supporting Ukraine. Essential measures in the area are discussed at regular meetings, which make it possible to respond to the needs articulated by the Ukrainian side on an ongoing basis.