ESP8266-01S Not responding to AT commands

Hi guys

this is my first topic, greetings to all…
Down to business, I have connected my ESP8266-01S and managed to load and configure it with the examples using my Arduino UNO, but I don’t get to access it bt AT commands, all I get in response is this… (By putting ESP RST-GND) at BR74800. I´ve tried with and without external supply and same problem (external PSupply ATX600w, computer power supply 3.3v)

my ESP8266-01S is working fine, because I can Load all examples to it like WiFi Scan using my Arduino, without the Chip.

Is there a way or workaround for this?
Do I really need to be concerned about this issue before using Blynk or should I just load a blank sketch to my ESP8266-01S and load the Blynk Code in my ArduinoUNO??

Also, I haven’t flashed it, because it works fine when uploading the examples in Arduino IDE for ESP8266
