Best-Selling Books of 2020 – Best Reads of 2020

Let’s be positive for a sec, k? Even though 2020 was the worst of the worst (I’m seriously ready to wipe it from my memory foreverrrr), it did give us ample time to do one thing: Read a sh*t-ton of books. But if this end-o’-year holiday season has you reflecting on the fact that there were actually quite a few reads you *didn’t* manage to get through when everyone else on Instagram was (allegedly) devouring them in one sitting, then step right up. Boy, do I have a list for you!

Choosing what to read can be a daunting task because, as with Netflix, you’re likely to end up scrolling through a hundred options before finally giving up and looking at TikTok instead. I mean, there are non-fiction titles, the self-help reads (necessary), and memoirs, to name just a few genres! To help you avoid decision fatigue, I culled The New York Times Best Seller list, the , and Amazon’s best sellers and their (yeah, I love homework) to curate a list of the most thought-provoking, fascinating, popular reads. So the next time someone asks you what you’ve been up to during quarantine, you can flex and name a couple titles from the best-selling books of 2020.