Apple – Arkansas Black Apple Tree – Ison’s Nursery & Vineyard

Product Description

Apple Trees generally ship from January- April.
Please Note:  We ship to colder states beginning in late March and April unless requested earlier

The Arkansas Black apple tree is an excellent pollinator. This apple variety produces a medium size fruit with dark red skin almost black in color. The apple flesh is firm, white, juicy and crisp. The Arkansas Black apple flavor is very well balanced, pleasant and sweet. This apple is excellent for juice. The Arkansas Black apple tree is also resistant to cedar apple rust. The apple tree is very hardy and vigorous. The Arkansas Black apple tree is a heavy bearer and ripens October to November.

4-5′ with 1/2″ caliper

Zones 5-8       Chill Hours: 800-900    Pollination Code: A

Planting instructions for apple trees.