Anatomy of an Amazon Product Detail Page for Elsevier Books | SciTech Connect


Did you know that the Amazon Product Detail Page is an important way to showcase your work to the world? It provides a quick snapshot on both you and your book, so we work closely with our Amazon partners to ensure that the information is accurate, up-to-date, and discoverable, giving visitors a quick-and-easy way to see the value in your title—and decide to make a purchase.

Your Amazon Detail Page: Here’s the Lay of the Land

Understanding the layout of your Amazon page and how each component works together to create a complete picture of you and your work is an integral part of success. Let’s take a quick walk through the components of a standard Amazon Product Detail Page.

Essential Product Details

At the top of the page, there are the essential details of your book, including the title, authors, review details, cover image, and ISBN. If an author has an Author Page, their name is hyperlinked to that page to provide even more information on your work and area of expertise.

Optimize your author page here, and make sure it’s available on global Amazon sites.  It contains valuable pieces of information that will help visitors decide to make a purchase, such as the average of all customer ratings, and the number of reviews.

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The Look Inside! Feature: A Quick Snapshot that Further Encourages Purchase

Clicking the ‘Look Inside!’ icon allows interested readers to peruse a limited percentage of the book’s content, giving them quick access to the Table of Contents and Copyright page, the Index, and a selection of pages for a more detailed view of the book’s content.

With ‘Look Inside’…

“Amazon search results include matches based on every word inside a book, not just results that match the title or author of the book. It’s like browsing a gigantic bookstore with millions of searchable pages at your fingertips.” –

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Quick Purchase Information per Product Format

Your book’s pricing, purchase information per format, and shipping information is easy to see at the top of the page. You can toggle between formats with the option to add the products to your cart. As the vast majority of our titles are available in both book print and electronic book formats, your readers have quick access to the format that is best for their specific needs.

quick purchase

General Description and Key Features

In this section, you’ll see your book’s all-important product description and a list of key features. This information is similar to the content on the back cover of the book itself, providing a detailed overview of your book’s contents, along with bullets that summarize and highlight the important aspects of your title.


Additional Product Recommendations

Next, you’ll find sections titled, “Items Frequently Bought Together” and “Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought,” each of which feature suggested additional titles for consideration that are based on the current product in view. As Amazon’s proprietary algorithms drive these recommendations, it’s important to make sure that the Product Detail page highlights your title’s most important features and areas of focus.

frequently bought together also bought this

Editorial Reviews and Additional Product Information

To further enhance the recommended purchases section, users will find more granular details on your title, including excerpts from editorial reviews to date, as well as additional product information. We regularly send information to Amazon about our product reviews, ensuring that strong and immediate feedback is available to potential purchasers.

editorial reviews

Additional Product Detail

The Product Details section includes your book’s basic information, such as number of pages, publication date, language, dimensions, and weight.  The “Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank” reflects your book’s key subject area classifications so you can see how you rank within those areas. “Search results are sorted by relevance, and are determined by many different elements to create the best matches for customer queries… Keep in mind that search results change constantly based on several factors.” –

Amazon Best Sellers Rank

“Remember that your book is competing against other items that are being promoted in many media outlets. You can post a link to your book’s detail page on your Facebook and Twitter accounts, and in your email signature. General consumer data on how popular your item is will influence search result relevance”–

 product details

It’s All About You, the Author

Your background is an important part of the purchasing process, giving potential buyers an insider’s look into your expertise and any other titles or awards that you may have received, so a link to your customized Author Page is a crucial element.

Author Tip: More details on your Author Page, mean more details in this section, so share anything you feel is relevant to your title.

How You Can Help

Visit our additional articles to set up and optimize your author pages in the U.S. and globally.

more about author

The All Important Customer Reviews

The Customer Reviews area features your average book review rating on a scale of 1 to 5 stars, followed by a breakout of reviews per ranking level.  You’ll also find the entire written reviews, along with a count under each that tells you how many “people found this review helpful”.

Amazon allows a convenient way to easily click “Yes” or “No” to the question, “Was this review helpful to you?”. This feedback contributes to featuring your book’s ‘Top positive review” and ‘Top critical review” Learn more about Amazon’s Customer Reviews FAQs…

Customer Reviews “Out of 5 stars”

“Amazon calculates a product’s star ratings using a machine learned model instead of a raw data average. The machine learned model takes many factors into account, including the age of a review, helpfulness votes by customers, and whether the reviews are from verified purchases.” –

customer reviews

Final Thoughts and Additional Recommendations

Near the bottom of the page, you’ll find a variety of product recommendations driven by Amazon’s algorithms, along with options to start a forum discussion about your book or set up a promotional Amazon giveaway featuring your book:

  • What Other Items Do Customers Buy After Viewing This Item?”
  • “Your Recently Viewed Items and Featured Recommendations”
  • Forums” for customers to start a discussion
  • Set up an Amazon Giveaway: Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers.”

The More They Know, The More They’ll Buy

As you can tell, there are many components to the Amazon Product Detail Page, including product information, purchase options, customer reviews, and a variety of suggestions about related and suggested content. This wealth of detail not only helps global readers better understand the value of your work, but also leads to their decision to make that all important purchase.